- About TED Stewardship Ministries
- Vision and Plan
- Tithes and Offering Readings
- Stewardship Revival Week
- Fundamental Belief No. 21 & the Theology of Stewardship
- Stewardship Newsletters
- The Adventist Understanding of Tithe
- Book & Magazines
- Resources & Links
About TED Stewardship Ministries
- Faithful Stewardship is more than a merely optional Christian grace.
- Revive and re-awaken the biblical principles of Christian Stewardship, grace centred and gratitude focused.
- Cultivate a culture of pastoral ministry excellence in growing faithful members.
- Foster the priority and urgency of the sharing of the Gospel.
- Provide an easy and convenient plan for members to return a faithful tithe and give generously.
- General Conference’s Strategic Orientation 2020-2025
- Commitment Card
- “Let God Manage You”, by Ellen G. White – a core document connected with the vision and plan of TED Stewardship ministries
Click on the image to download the material.
Offertory Devotional Videos 2021
For more information, visit the Stewardship Ministries website or for older readings, click here.
One week of stewardship sermons prepared for stewardship leaders, trainers, and administrators at all levels, local church pastors, lay leaders, and Adventist students to facilitate the divine worship programme of the local church in the first week in December, which is the designated annual Stewardship Revival Week.
Click on the links below to download the material:
- Revival Week Readings 2021
- Revival Week Power Point 2021
- For more information, visit the Adventist Stewardship website.
Fundamental Belief No. 21 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Theology of Stewardship
What’s the point of Christian doctrine? Why have a doctrine of Stewardship? Along with the other 27 bible beliefs Adventists regard as important, the doctrine of Christian Stewardship;
1. Edifies the church
2. Preserves the truth
3. Communicates the gospel in all its richness.
The doctrine calls for far more than mere belief – it calls for action.
- Fundamental Belief 21
- A biblical exposition on the doctrine of Stewardship
- Stewardship: Resources and Responsibility – W. R. L. Scragg (pdf)
From the Biblical Research Institute
Ekkehardt Muller writes on:
- Stewardship and Money
- Stewardship of Time
- Stewardship of My Body
- Stewardship of Gifts and Talents
- Angel Rodriguez writes on Stewardship’s theological roots
Bi-monthly magazine of Adventist Stewardship Ministries with aim of ensuring that stewardship matters.
Click here to access the magazine online.
God First Magazine is a monthly magazine produced by the Stewardship Department at General Conference office. Click here to access the magazine archive.
The Adventist understanding of Tithe
- General Conference Tithing Principles and Guidelines
- To whom should I give my tithe?
- Gospel Finance: Pulling Together
- The concept, practice and theological foundation for tithing in the writings of Ellen G. White (Angel Manuel Rodriguez)
Saying Thank you to God by Karen Holford
A beautifully written and illustrated story on stewardship that will delight young children. It includes practical activities and suggestions that encourage children to want to say thank you to God. It is aimed for children aged 3 to 7. The book is available for purchase from the LifeSource Christian Bookshop.
Watch the video
Looking after God’s World by Karen Holford
What would it feel like to be God and make a whole wonderful world? What would it feel like if your beautiful world was ruined?
Tim and Susie wonder about these big questions while they build sandcastles on the beach. Join in their adventures when disaster strikes, and they learn how to look after God’s wonderful world. The book is available for purchase from the LifeSource Christian Bookshop.
Watch the video
Bi-monthly magazine of Adventist Stewardship Ministries with aim of ensuring that stewardship matters.
Click here to access the magazine online.
Ministry Magazine Archives contain articles on Stewardship from 1928 – 2020. To find the relevant articles, click here and type ‘Stewardship’ in the search engine.
Counsels on Stewardship – Ellen G. White
Click here to access the online version of the book.
A seasonal imaginary conversation between a senior and junior angel from the splendours of heaven, watching “The Visit” (Taken from New Testament Christianity by L B Philips, 1956).
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish.” (John 1:14 The Message)
- Adventist Stewardship Ministries
- North American Division Stewardship Ministries
- British Union Conference Stewardship Ministries
- Southern California Conference
- Christian Stewardship Network – A network of stewardship pastors and leaders who serve in a local Christian congregation. Our mission is simple yet profound: connect stewardship pastors and leaders and help them be the absolute best they can be!
- Thom S. Rainer is the president and CEO of Church Answers. Enter the words ‘Stewardship’ / ‘Money’ / ‘Finances’ into the site search engine to find everything about raising the Stewardship profile in the local church.
- Published by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland – The Christian Stewardship Workbook
- Adventist Book Centre (enter the words ‘Stewardship’ / ‘Money’ / ‘Finances’ into search engine)
- Advent Source
- LifeSource Christian shop