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Adventist Possibility Ministries
aims to help our churches become communities that value and fully include people with special needs...

Adventist humanitarian agency providing individual and community development and disaster relief...

Adventist Mission
The Seventh-day Adventist Church finds its strength in mission. Its commitment includes a worldwide humanitarian work...

Adventist Volunteer Services
designed to provide service opportunities for Seventh-day Adventists who want to share in the joy of taking the gospel to the world...

Bible Correspondence Schools
Facilitating the reading and study of the Bible with the general public...

Chaplaincy Ministries
provide support and development to the unions and fields in promoting ministries that foster Bible-based values and genuine pastoral care...

Children's Ministries
seeks to provide multiple ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him...

Coordinates PR, Media, News, Crisis Management and Communication training across the TED...

The Seventh-day Adventist church is called to be the last day disciple-making movement....

Coordinate educational policies, provide support and development to the unions and fields concerning the needs of Adventist schools, colleges and universities

Family Ministries
committed to growing healthy relationships in families, churches and communities...

Ministerial Association
co-ordinate and support the Unions and fields in operating union ministerial associations that provide personal support, adequate resources & training for the pastors...

Personal Ministries
Exists to help all to cheerfully share their experience of living with the Lord, by teaching how to give Bible studies, speak about Jesus, answer questions...

Prayer Ministries
To teach and encourage the development of a Christ-like character through the practice of the spiritual disciplines that promote spiritual growth...

Public Affairs & Religious Liberty
Focuses primarily on ensuring the God-given universal human right of religious freedom becomes a universal reality...

Publishing Ministries
Exists to share the gospel of hope to the whole world through publications - in all its forms...

Sabbath School
To facilitate spiritual growth through systematic Bible study, meaningful fellowship, gift-based community outreach, and altruistic mission emphasis...

Stewardship Ministries
To emphasise the lordship of Jesus Christ, to enhance the integration of the gospel into the Christian lifestyle, to encourage faithful stewardship...

Women's Ministries
Committed to encouraging, challenging, equipping, and nurturing Seventh-day Adventist women as they do their part in carrying the Gospel message to the world...

Youth Ministries
To lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship...