A Fresh Look at Forgiveness
Karen Holford presents a short webinar exploring forgiveness and reflecting on relationships where f…
Confronting our Own Dark Thoughts and Experiences
We have them because we are human Download presentation slides here.
Following Your Calling
What turns a job into a calling? In this webinar Andrew Baildam, a Consultant Breast Surgeon, explor…
Reparented by God
How do we treat our children when they misbehave? How does God deal with us when we make mistakes? I…
How to Deal With Disappointments
In a broken world one cannot avoid going through pain, loss and disappointments. Therefore, we canno…
Relational crisis: What to do when wellbeing is challenged
How can we support someone going through relational crisis? In this webinar we will explore how to s…
Lead(serv)ing with a limp
Leading and serving through who God has created us to be. When we work on God’s team, we are m…
Unexpected Grace: An Unwanted Journey of Significant Loss
One of the consequences of living in a sinful world is that we will all, sooner or later, experience…
Toxic Stress and Resilience – A Gospel Therapy
In this webinar, Mary Jo Vollmer-Sandholm speaks on the topic of ‘Toxic Stress and Resilience…
The changing face of evangelism: Seeking the Shalom of our communities.
By seeking the Shalom (Jeremiah 29:7) of the local community, churches learn how to engage the commu…
MIND your child’s health
Mental Health problems affect about 1 in 9 children. These children are also in our churches. In thi…
Pandemics and Public health in Ancient Israel: What did Moses do?
This webinar reflects on how the impurity laws of Leviticus 13–15 and the Sabbath laws of Leviticus…
Serving with Volunteers: continuing development of local leaders – who is responsible?
Local church leaders can be true assets to pastoral ministry. They are also required to adapt to new…
Connecting Generations: Understanding Generation Z
In this webinar Pastor Njabulo Ndlovu shares what we can pass onto the generation Z and what we can…
Deep or Shallow Discipleship?
In this webinar Pastor Jonathan Holder shares what distinguishes deep from shallow disciples and sug…
A Journey to Joy in the Life of Young People
In this webinar Pastor Dejan Stojkovic shares what a journey to joy in the life of young people may…
What’s Missing CH–CH? A Serious Youth Reflection
‘What’s Missing CH–CH? A Serious Youth Reflection’ is the first webinar in t…
Proximity – Experiencing the fullness of the Gospel
“Christian wellbeing is found in the fulfilment of crossing the barrier of self-centredness.&#…
Healing Generational Trauma
‘We know that early years’ experiences have a profound effect on who we are later in lif…
Encountering Shame
‘Encountering shame’ by Adrian Peck is one of the webinars in the wellbeing series of TE…
Resting from Stressing
Download the accompanying document with references and resources used in the webinar: https://ted.ad…
Doing Forgiveness Well
In the last of the TED Devotional webinar series, Daniel Duda focuses on Forgiveness and Restoration…
Dealing with grief and loss
In this webinar, Dr Gabor Mihalec, explores how we can deal with grief and loss. Dr Mihalec is a Fam…
Hope – Wellbeing webinar
Trans-European Division (TED) webinar ‘Hope’ presented by Pastor Patrick Johnson, is part of series…