- Adventist Recovery Ministries
- InStep for Life
- BreatheFree 2.0 Smoking Cessation Programme
- Celebrations (Living life to the fullest)
- End it Now
- Facts with Hope
- Gateway to Wholeness
- General Conference Health Ministries
- Mindwell
- North American Division Health Ministries
- Positive Choices
- Secrets of Wellness
- Tell the World
- Unhooked – Get Unhooked From Addiction
- Youth Alive
Other Adventist Faith-based Health Resources
- Lifestyle Medicine Institute (CHIP)
- Creation Health
- Health Expo Resources
- The Adventists Trilogy
- Wellness
Official Church-sponsored Health Resources
Adventist Recovery Ministries | Global promotes healing and freedom from addictions by providing resources and training to individuals to facilitate recovery. ARMin trains individuals to facilitate ongoing 12-step Christ-centred support groups and to provide mentoring in a safe, nurturing environment. To request ARMin Global training in your region, contact [email protected]. For more information, please visit AdventistRecoveryGlobal.org.
InStep for Life is a programme that focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles by decreasing sedentary habits and encouraging physical activity. The goal is to motivate people to incorporate and track physical activity in their daily lives using a fitness tracker (iPhone or Android apps) and website. The programme provides gamification as a way to motivate people and communities (churches, schools, and groups or institutions) to engage in fun group tracking of their daily, monthly, and annual overall activity, recognising high performers with badges and awards. Church members, students or community friends can sign up and participate in new individual and group challenges throughout the year. For more information, visit nadhealth.org/instep-for-life.
BreatheFree 2.0 Smoking Cessation Programme
This powerful and informative community programme helps smokers kick the habit for good! Its roots extend back to The Five-Day Plan to Stop Smoking, the first community-based smoking cessation programme. This revised and enhanced, nine-day programme provides a comprehensive physical, mental, social, and spiritual approach proven to help smokers find freedom from tobacco. Training videos and all programme materials are available online, free of charge, to all registered facilitators. For more information, please visit www.BreatheFree2.com.
Life is designed to be lived to the fullest and celebrated each and every day! CELEBRATIONS is a comprehensive wellness programme that can empower you to experience optimal health and share it with others. It’s based on the acronym CELEBRATIONS, which outlines 12 vital ways to energise your daily living – including choice, rest, activity, nutrition, social support, and more. This programme is Bible-based, consistent with the health counsel of Ellen White, and backed up by evidence-based, peer-reviewed health science.
CELEBRATIONS resources include a comprehensive and beautifully illustrated tabletop reference book, a more concise book for easy reading and sharing, PowerPoint presentations with presenter notes, small discussion guides for leaders, 12 short videos, and 12 health sermons to make up a complete package of lifestyle instruction. You can learn more, access the electronic materials free of charge, or purchase the books at a nominal fee at healthministries.com/celebrations_presentations.
enditnow is a global initiative developed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to raise awareness and advocate for the end of violence around the world, as well as in our own communities. Sadly, abuse cuts across all countries, people groups, and denominations, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The enditnow initiative seeks to increase personal awareness, responsibility, and involvement to effectively help end violence in every family and community. For more information, please visit www.enditnow.org.
Facts with Hope
This is a series of 49 one-minute videos featuring various topics of whole person health. The videos are based on biblical principles supported by scientific evidence. Facts with Hope videos can be shared visa social media, during a church service or programme, or on other media (TV, radio). The videos are available in various languages. For more information, please visit www.FactsWithHope.org.
Gateway to Wholeness
Pornography addiction is very damaging and an extremely difficult habit to break. Gateway to Wholeness is a programme designed to help people recover from the destructive cycle of porn. Based on a wealth of research on addiction and psychology. Gateway to Wholeness provides relevant emotional, social, and spiritual resources to help participants find freedom from pornography. This free and anonymous programme is designed to be a first step in recovery. For more information, please visit www.GatewattoWholeness.com.
General Conference Adventist Health Ministries
Health is a gracious gift of God and is preserved best by choosing the most healthful lifestyle possible, empowered by the Grace of God. Explore and learn more about it by visiting healthministries.com.
This comprehensive, wholistic, evidence-based mental health resource is currently being developed for the world church. Not only will MindWell be valuable for people who struggle with mental illness, but also for anyone wanting to improve their mental wellbeing. As the programme develops. MindWell will include an interactive online course, small group curriculum, community-based programme and expo, online facilitator training, and more. For more information and to stay updated on the progress of MindWell, please visit www.MindWell.org.
North American Division Health Ministries
Sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power f Christ. For more information, visit nadhealth.org.
Positive Choices
The choices that we make in life largely determine our health and happiness. Positive Choices include health blogs, short videos, a health letter template, and other resources to help empower you to make the best choices – physically, mentally, and spiritually. By doing so, you will enhance the quality of your life and at the same time extend it! For more information, please visit positivechoices.com.
Secrets of Wellness
For more information, please visit secretsofwellness.org.
Tell the World Based on true events, Tell The World shares the compelling story of a small group of farmers from the northeast region of the United States. They set the foundation of an organization that has been at the forefront of issues such as health, education, communication and biblical interpretation. For more information, please visit telltheworld.org.
To watch the movie, please click here.
Unhooked – Get unhooked from addiction
Survivors tell their stories, clinical experts explain treatment options, and pastors point to Jesus as the source of strength. For more information, please visit hopetv.org/unhooked.
Youth Alive
This evidence-based youth discipleship programme is designed to build resilience among youth, empowering them to say NO to addictive and unhealthy behaviours. This s a peer-to-peer programme that brings adult mentors and healthy connections to young people, making they feel valued and helping them find their purpose in Christ. Youth Alive has a brand-new website and mobile iOS and Android app with materials for youth leaders and young people to access, including blogs, videos, courses, and books on various health and wellness topics. The request a Youth Alive training/conference in you territory, contact [email protected]. For more information, please visit YouthAlivePortal.com.
Other Adventist Faith-based Health Resources
The Complete Health Improvement Program is a research-tested, intensive lifestyle medicine intervention solution designed to prevent, arrest and facilitate the reversal of many common chronic diseases. For more information, visit chiphealth.com.
CREATION Health is a faith-based wellness plan complete with lifestyle seminars and a special training programme for those who want to live healthier and happier lives and share this unique whole person health philosophy. By consistently practicing the eight principles of CREATION Health – Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition – we fulfil God’s original plan for our lives, which is to live and be happy. For more information, please visit creationhealth.com.
Health Expo Resources – Please visit healthexporesources.com for resources.
A special collection edition of three critically acclaimed documentary films that tell the story of Seventh-day Adventists as never before. For more information, please visit journeyfilms.com/shop/the-adventists-trilogy-2
Wellsource is the longest serving and most experienced company in the health risk assessment industry. For more information, please visit wellsource.com.
WIN! Wellness is a non-profit organisation interested in the promotion of healthful living and prevention of disease in families and communities worldwide. It seeks to recapture the holistic Ministry of Healing model which emphasises physical and mental, spiritual growth and family enrichment. For more information, please visit winwellness.org.