Adventist Possibility Ministries (APM) aims to help our churches become communities that value and fully include people with special needs. It Includes seven broad ministry categories: The Deaf, the blind, the physically challenged, the emotionally and mentally challenged, orphans and vulnerable children, the widowed, and caregivers. APM seeks to provide support and resources for churches, so that everyone’s gifts and talents can be used in fulfilling God’s mission.

Adventist Possibility Ministries Website – Here are some useful resources for Possibility (Special Needs) Ministries.

Hope Channel Deaf – a TV channel with special resouces for the hard of hearing.
Adventist Special Needs Association – an association established to support the spiritual, social, emotional and physical development of people living with special needs and disabilities.

Amy Ainsworth shares a personal perspective on disability and the church.
“…At the age of six, nearly seven, I was diagnosed as an epileptic* and, for the most part, I was excited. I felt like it made me unique, special. I had something no one else had and, like every other kid in the world, I believed I could do anything….”
From Hope Channel UK: In Conversation – Living with epilepsy. Amy & John Ainsworth share the secrets and challenges of living with epilepsy. How difficult is it living with a physical illness that people cannot see? Why marry someone when you know you will have to be a carer for life? And what does a life-time condition do to your faith?
Richard Shaw was born with muscular atrophy, a congenital, degenerative impairment causing wasting of the “voluntary” muscles. Yet he will say that living with disability is no barrier to living a fulfllling life. An In Conversation programme from Hope Channel UK.
Since early childhood, Espen Johnson has suffered from a rare degenerative illness. A Beautiful Life is an engaging programme made for Norwegian TV, following Espen and his family through a 10-year period. Prepare to be moved by this special, feature-length programme.
Disability Awareness
Care to try your hand at signing? Try ‘God bless you’ and see how Deaf Ministries can make a difference.
‘Not Alone’ – Watoto Children’s Choir
To download the ‘Not Alone’ song, please click on the following:
– video
– lyrics