Seventh-day Adventists communicate hope by focusing on the quality of life that is complete in Jesus Christ.
The Communication Department coordinates Media, News, Crisis Management and Communication training across the TED.
It provides regular news releases on the website and via tedNEWS – a regular email newsletter [subscribe here].
The department is responsible for all official communication and public news releases for the Trans-European Division. It also provides resources and training for local churches and for leaders in the Conferences and Missions. It aims to promote good internal and external communication.
Training and Resources
The Communication department has an array of resources and training opportunities available to assist local churches, conferences, and unions communicate their message more effectively.
TED Communication & Media Guide
This fantastic resource, covering a variety of topics from content creation to cybersecurity, and from crisis communication to communication audits, is the result of cooperation between, and drawing on the resources of Adventist communicators across three divisions: North American (NAD), Inter-European (EUD) and Trans-European (TED) divisions. You can download it here.

European Communication Webinars
The Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European Division (EUD) communication teams are collaborating together to provide you with 10 free European Communication Webinars per year. The webinars take place the last Tuesday of each month, at 6:00 pm London time (7.00 pm Bern). Topics vary from developing content strategy to avoiding burnout and will be presented by professionals from around the world.

GAiN Europe is the annual conference designed to help Adventist communicators connect and work together. It normally takes place in October, over a weekend (Friday to Monday). In addition to great training and networking opportunities, GAiN Europe produces an annual multimedia project. Happiness, the fifth GAiN Europe project of this kind, includes a book, a documentary series, and even social media clips. These resources are available free of charge through the GAiN Europe network. They can be used by church media entities, ministries, Hope Channel studios, and Adventist radio stations around the world.

We want to empower digital evangelists across the division to share the Gospel with their families, friends, and wider community. We believe it is imperative that we support their development with both appropriate training and funding. For this reason, we have created the Digital Evangelism Forum, a hub to share resources and inspire one another. Quarterly meetings take place via Zoom.

Media Enquiries
For all media enquiries regarding the Seventh-day Adventist church please phone +44 (0)1727 732500 or send us an email.