Motives of the Heart

Stewardship is, an expression of grateful living. As faithful stewards, we are to live our lives in gratitude to God for all He has given to us. The demonstration of grateful living is revealed in how we live and how we handle the all that God has entrusted into our care. This include the way we care for ourselves, our family and those in our community.

Managing In Tough Times

How to manage our resources as we approach the end of time? What are the best strategy to survive in a world spinning our of control? In this video we will learn how to manage our resources in difficult times.

Stewardship of My Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness: Its time to take charge of your mental health.

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Stewardship and Money

It is God’s will that we use our time, talents, and material possessions to glorify His Name.

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Stewardship of Time

People today have a problem with time. One hundred and fifty years ago, if a merchant from Chicago had to do business...

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Stewardship of My Body

People try to enjoy life to the fullest without caring about God and the future. This often results in abusing their bodies in various way.

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Stewardship of My Gifts and Talents

Newspapers and magazines are filled with reports about sports “heroes”...

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Stewardship’s Theological Roots

A brief background on the development and publication of Stewardship Roots.

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