Zoom ID: 946 7815 4784
Passcode: family
Date: 2 May 2023
Time: 6.00pm BST, 7.00pm CEST, 8.00pm EEST
Link: https://zoom.us/j/94678154784?pwd=RUZ2VjVhTjBmR3hkU0JyQVl1L0R2Zz09
Calming down in stressful moments
Dear parents,
Does this sound familiar:
Everything seems to be falling apart around you, the night was once again much too short because a child had a fever, the mountains of laundry pile up, at work much chaos, the next appointment is already breathing down your neck and you can hardly manage to be there on time anyway, no land in sight and then a glass falls down and shatters into a thousand pieces…
And you are supposed to stay calm?
Join this free webinar to explore new ideas and possibilities to find inner peace in everyday life.
Karsten Stank is a pastor and systemic therapist. He lives in Hanover, northern Germany with his wife and their two adult daughters. You can read more about their ministry here (however, it’s in German): https://lebendig.adventisten.de