Super Sabbath Celebrates #reformation500 for children in Hungary

<p>8 May 2017 | St Albans, UK [Clair Sanches / <em>ted</em>NEWS] How about a &lsquo;Super Sabbath&rsquo; for your children? That is exactly what happened for a national children&rsquo;s day in Hungary, 25 March 2017. The children had to pass through a special &lsquo;time machine&rsquo; that transported them back 500 years.</p>

News May 8, 2017

8 May 2017 | St Albans, UK [Clair Sanches / tedNEWS] How about a ‘Super Sabbath’ for your children? That is exactly what happened for a national children’s day in Hungary, 25 March 2017. The children had to pass through a special ‘time machine’ that transported them back 500 years.


Martin Luther pins his 95 theses.
In an atmosphere of Renaissance music, and with helpers dressed in period clothing, children learnt about Martin Luther, the 95 theses, and most importantly, the need to read the Bible and to accept Jesus as the one who forgives all our sins.


Super-Sabbath is about to become a regular occurrence in Hungary – but children’s ministry is more than a one-off annual occasion. The April edition of Trans-European Division (TED) Children’s Ministries News also shares the theme of Újbuda Church, Budapest, were 48 children and their friends, whose teachers believe: “Love the child and accept them as Jesus accepts you”. Three other churches report of exciting and successful holiday camps, and a fascinating art project in Pesterzsébet, where more than 1,100 local children took part in a children’s art competition.


The most surprising part of the Pesterzsébet competition is that it was run by a church that is mainly middle aged and elderly. That church now has a children’s Bible school and child worship services.


Clair Sanches, TED Children’s Ministries director, says, “Creativity abounds and we see that God is blessing so many efforts. We sometimes think that things only happen far away in other countries, but not in our Division. I have seen time and again that where we are willing, God opens paths and areas for us to enter.”


Find out much more about what God is doing with children in Hungary by reading the full newsletter. It might even give you some ideas for your own church outreach.


Previous editions of the Children’s ministries newsletter are also available on the new-look, TED website. [tedNEWS]



tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Esti Pujic, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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