A New Beginning for Priština members

A New Beginning for Priština members

10 November 2020 | St Albans, UK [TED Communications]    With a population of 250,000, the city of Priština, Kosovo, has one of the youngest populations in Europe, on average aged 25 years old. Located in the south-eastern corner of Europe, just north of the Goljak mountains, the majority people group are Kosovo Albanians. With…

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Adventist Foundation and ADRA respond to earthquake that rocks Turkey and Greece

5 November 2020 | Turkey, Greece [Shem Aguila and Kimi-Roux James]  October 30, a powerful earthquake struck the Aegean Sea rattling the countries of Turkey and Greece. It was felt as far away as Athens and Istanbul. Turkey and Greece are located on or near many active fault lines, where earthquakes are fairly common in…

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A missionary videographer starts working in the Baltic Union

27 October 2020 | Tallinn, Estonia [Estonian News]  A media missionary from Mexico started volunteering in Estonia earlier this month. Mar Said Hernandez Castañoń from Mexico will be assisting with filming and editing videos for the Baltic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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Update on Teaching at Newbold

26 October 2020 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins]   On Wednesday, 21 October the Executive Committee of the College’s Board of Governors met and voted on the details surrounding the immediate future of teaching on the Newbold campus.

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Scripture and Violence

19 October 2020 | Binfield, UK [Helen Pearson]  What is the relationship between religious scripture and violence? The 2020 Beach Lecture explored this question – in105 minutes. Holding the lecture online was a ‘first’ in the Beach Lecture’s 22-year history of commitment to religious bridgebuilding.

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Sophia Nicholls and her journey which led to receiving Outstanding Leadership Award

15 October 2020 I Watford, UK [Janice Lendor]   In a recent video interview, Sophia Nicholls tells her story of why she and her husband Nigel, formed the Adventist Special Needs Association (ASNA). The interview was in response to receiving an award for Outstanding Leadership from the South England Conference. She was interviewed by Janice Lendor…

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ADRA Works with Churches in the Netherlands to Feed the Community During Pandemic

8 October 2020 Huis ter Heide | Netherlands [Rachel Cabose]  In the Netherlands, where more than 6,000 people have died from the coronavirus according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) partnered with Seventh-day Adventist churches and other charitable organisations to feed hundreds of families affected by…

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Thankful People

7 October 2020 | Watford, UK [David Neal]  When the Stanborough Park Church family end their annual Harvest Festival, their closing act of worship is to usually sing the rousing hymn, “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come’, reflecting gratitude to God for His continual provision in their lives. As they sing, their eyes focus on the magnificent and…

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A Fresh Start and a New Place for Young People in Athens

6 October 2020 | Athens, Greece [Moses Siwale]  Youth church opens in Athens, Greece, providing a place for young people to meet, share experiences together, nourish spiritual gifts, and develop leadership skills.

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Newbold College of Higher Education looks to the future; An urgent need to renew focus on ministry and mission

1 October 2020 | Binfield, UK [David Neal]   For almost 120 years Newbold College of Higher Education (NCHE) has faithfully served the Trans-European Division (TED), preparing ministers and other workers to serve the region and far beyond.

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