Estonian Adventists Celebrate their 115th Anniversary “In the Light of the Beginning”
07 May 2012 Tartu, Estonia [Lauri Beekmann] Estonian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church celebrated its 115th anniversary in the biggest concert hall of southern Estonia on the 27th and 28th of April bringing together Adventists and friends from different parts of Estonia and also brothers and sisters in faith from other countries. “The spring…
Read MoreMission to Cities Initiative Highlights Spring Meeting Opening
02 May 2012 Silver Spring, United States [Ansel Oliver/ANN and Miroslav Pujic/tedNEWS] Top regional Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders identified 24 cities that will receive targeted outreach efforts, the next step of a plan voted by church officials last year to focus on urban area ministry worldwide. During the opening of Spring Meeting – one of…
Read MoreAWR Honours Swedish Radio Workers
02 May 2012 Gothenburg, Sweden [Tor Tjeransen] The Swedish radio workers Siv Molin and Anne-Maj Sandström were honoured with the Adventist World Radio (AWR) Award of Merit on April 30. Senior Vice President for AWR, Greg Scott, presented the awards at the close of a four day training event for radio workers from Sweden and…
Read MoreWorld Religious Freedom Congress Calls to Avoid Secular Society’s Lead
24 April 2012, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic [Mark Kellner/Adventist Review; tedNEWS] Addressing nearly 900 delegates and guests at the Seventh World Congress of the International Religious Liberty Association, Denton Lotz, a noted Baptist minister and IRLA president, summarised the purpose of this three-day event: "We're here today because we believe that freedom of religion is…
Read MorePastors in England Discuss Postmodernism & Outreach
24 April 2012 Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsten Øster-Lundqvist] South England Conference ministers in the provinces gathered at Newbold church on Wednesday 18 April 2012 to discuss postmodernism and outreach to the majority population. A presentation on postmodernism by Dr Miroslav Pujic, Trans-European Division Ministry to Postmoderns director, shared some identifying aspects of how a postmodern…
Read MoreOrganizational Leadership Development Process
The church needs people who continually experience learning and growth as they go about their ministry. Such persons develop as leaders who in turn create positive transformation. They integrate learning and change with their experience. They in turn disciple others who grow as leaders, experience meaning in their service, and contribute significant organizational change. Such…
Read MoreNewbold Appoints New College Chaplain
23 April 2012 Bracknell, Untied Kingdom [Newbold College, tedNEWS] Pastor Paul Goltz has been appointed Newbold College Chaplain from the beginning of the 2012-13 academic year. “The Newbold College community stands to benefit from Paul’s warm, caring manner” Dr Philip Brown, Principal, said this week. “He knows how to accommodate those who might have different…
Read More‘Green Sabbath’ Produces Eco-Christians
07 April 2012 London, United Kingdom [SEC Communications/Colin Stewart, Olympic Outreach Team] "Green Sabbath was rejuvenating and refreshing after getting into the 'green' mentality. The song that played on my mind was 'How Great Thou Art' especially on our walk to church in the morning," said Marilyn Le Feuvre, Communication leader at Horley Gatwick Adventist…
Read MoreIs the Adventist Church Missing $12 Billion?
02 April 2012 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States [Ansel Oliver/ANN] How much money would the Seventh-day Adventist Church have for mission each year if world membership records were accurate and each member returned a faithful tithe? About US$14 billion.
Read MoreEvangelism among Postmoderns – Norwegian Pastors Sharpen Skills
29 March 2012 Royse Norway [Tor Tjeransen, tedNEWS] “How could your church bridge the gap between the church and postmoderns?” That was one of the questions Dr Miroslav Pujic posed to forty Adventist pastors in Norway at a pastor’s meeting designed to sharpen their skills in communicating with postmoderns. The pastors met at Tyrifjord junior…
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