Working Together

The point of the joint report "was to end the silo mentality", said Daniel Duda

News November 2, 2024

31 October 2024 | Budva, Montenegro [Vanesa Pizzuto and David Neal]

Year-End Meetings (YEM) are a time when Division departmental directors deliver reports to Union leaders on the targets met and work done in the years prior. This is an important exercise that promotes transparency and accountability.

The End of the Silo Mentality

This year, attendees and delegates were pleasantly surprised with a completely different type of report. Rather than individual reports on the work done by each department over the last triennium, departmental directors delivered a joint report focusing on the Division’s main strategic values: 1. Extending Love, 2. Growing Life-Long Disciples, and 3. Multiplying Communities.

According to Daniel Duda, Trans-European Division (TED) President, the point of the joint report was “to model working together and end the silo mentality.” Additionally, Duda highlighted that while Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and programmes are important and necessary, “values are what truly mobilise community transformations.”

Standing side by side, departmental directors shared the main stories and inspiring moments from the last three years and the strategies used to live out these values and expand God’s kingdom. In addition to the oral report and audiovisual support, union directors received detailed written reports from all departments.

Committee Member Response

Several committee members commented on this new approach and expressed their appreciation for it. Frieda Souhuwat-Tomasoa (Netherlands Union Conference lay member) liked the reporting because “It made sense to me as the combined reports followed a certain line, each report linking with the other—the red thread of the TED!”

Jani Virolainen (Executive Secretary, Finnish Union of Churches Conference) thought it was really good and energetic without being long and boring, even though it took time. What helped was “presenters changing frequently, topics moving on quickly, and a logical flow in terms of the three values.”

Lidija Maletić (Adriatic Union Conference lay member) described the presentation as brilliant! “It was vivid, with all of us watching and listening very carefully. It was interdisciplinary, with an invitation to give feedback. This has to be the best approach, and I hope it can stay this way in the future.”

Jimmy Botha (President, Scottish Mission) shared that he “Really appreciated how the directors put their reports together, and a good example of doing away with silos. I think we will report for our session like this from now on.”

Extending Love

Trans-European Division Year-End Meeting 2024, Hotel Splendid, Bečići, Budva, Montenegro, 30 October - 3 November 2024. Camera date: Thursday, October 31, 2024, 11:19. Karen Holford, Children, Family and Women's Ministries Director, Trans European Division (TED), and Heli Otamo-Csizmadia, Stewardship Director.
Heli Otamo-Csizmadia explains how she has shared the value of extending love through stewardship ministries.

 Some of the main initiatives and stories from this section of the report include:

  • Caregiving Seminars: Adventist Possibility Ministries successfully conducted seminars on caregiving in Croatia. These events attracted non-Adventists, demonstrating the church’s positive influence within the community.
  • Training for the Deaf Community in Poland: Adventist Possibility Ministries provided training for the Deaf community in Poland, which resulted in multiple baptisms. This initiative underscores the importance of making the gospel accessible to often-overlooked groups.
  • Impact of Love Fights Back: This book presents a fresh perspective on the Three Angels’ Messages, revealing God’s love in the context of the great controversy. It transforms readers’ understanding of their relationship with God.
  • Family Ministries Leadership Training: This annual training event empowers participants to support families facing various challenges. It has received high praise for its engaging content and community-building aspects.

View the Canva presentation here.

 Growing Life-Long Disciples

Trans-European Division Year-End Meeting 2024, Hotel Splendid, Bečići, Budva, Montenegro, 30 October - 3 November 2024. Camera date: Thursday, October 31, 2024, 11:31.
At the end of each TED strategic value presentation, committee members were invited to respond by posting a note imagining how that value could shine in their territory. Here, Gary Krause (Adventist Mission Director) responds with his dream for ‘Growing Disciples’.
  • Bible Correspondence School Advisory: A successful joint advisory meeting was held in Freudenstadt, Germany, featuring presentations from leaders across various divisions. Plans have been made for annual Zoom meetings to facilitate resource sharing and support.
  • Staying Connected: Since January 2022, nearly 500 articles and over 170 videos have been published, accompanied by training webinars for communication professionals.
  • Pastors Discipleship Network Launch: This new network, designed to support pastors’ ongoing learning and development, has attracted over 200 participants. Its goal is to foster a sense of community among pastors and connect them with leading practitioners.
  • TED Quinquennial Education Convention: Held in Serbia in July 2023, this convention brought together over 150 educators to celebrate Adventist education. Notable speakers and workshops provided opportunities for networking and inspiration among attendees.

View the Canva presentation here.

Multiplying Communities 

Trans-European Division Year-End Meeting 2024, Hotel Splendid, Bečići, Budva, Montenegro, 30 October - 3 November 2024. Camera date: Thursday, October 31, 2024, 14:19.
How do you make the Funtime Energy Stick light up and buzz? Aimo Helminen (President, Finnish Union of Churches Conference), Jani Virolainen (Executive Secretary, Finland Union of Churches Conference), and Piotr Bylina (Executive Secretary, Polish Union Conference) work out the puzzle to illustrate that we work better together!
  • Financial Support: Between 2022 and 2024, the TED Mission Board has allocated approximately $3.15 million USD for mission work, including $2.4 million through Global Mission and £560,000 GBP for local church projects.
  • Church Planting: The Mission Department has partnered with Unions to support pastors and church planters, establishing regional cohorts called ACTS. These cohorts bring volunteers together in a structured church-planting process.
  • Pathfinder Bible Experience: A student’s academic success through the Pathfinder Bible Experience led to unexpected support from his school, underscoring the programme’s positive impact on youth.
  • Public Affairs & Religious Liberty: PARL collaborates across faith lines to foster understanding and promote religious freedom. This includes partnerships with the International Religious Liberty Association and hosting conferences worldwide.
Chart showing money invested in Mission, YEM 2024
The TED Mission Board has allocated approximately $3.15 million USD for mission work, including $2.4 million through Global Mission and £560,000 GBP for local church projects.

View the Canva presentation here.

[Photos:  James Botha]

Featured Image:

TED Directors and Associates (from left to right) Candy Layson, Kevin Johns, Heli Otamo-Csizmadia, Patrick Johnson, Karen Holford, Ian Sweeney, Vanesa Pizzuto, Anthony WagenerSmith, Kayle de Waal and David Neal. (not pictured Marcel Ghioalda).

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