Wimbledon International Church Provides Winter Night Shelter to Homeless Guests for 7 Weeks

Over 1100 nights of shelter were provided

News March 20, 2023

March 20 2023 | Wimbledon, UK [BUC  News]

Wimbledon International Seventh-day Adventist Church (WISDAC) participated and delivered a winter night shelter, for a period of 7 weeks (2nd January to 12th March 2023) as part of the Merton Winter Night Shelter and headed by Faith in Action Merton Homelessness. The church was one of 7 venues providing bed, warm nutritious meals, hospitality, warm showers, and support to our homeless guests. They were blessed to have the support of a team of 23 volunteers (some were members of other faith groups as well as Adventist from WISDAC and other Adventist churches).

Together, over 1100 nights of shelter have been provided to the homeless guests. This is such an achievement and a beautiful success. Some of the guests with the support provided, have secured jobs, citizenship and support to overcome dependency of various substances. Together people of different faith have come together to show love and care for our homeless guest in Merton. WISDAC played their part in showing the guests through our support that they are part of the family of God. We look forward to doing all that we can to help guest experience the love of Christ. The volunteers all feel blessed for having participated in delivering a successful WISDAC night shelter.

This story first appeared online in March 16 edition of BUC News. [Photo: Pexel pictures, Mart Production]

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