Wilson Offers Condolences to People of Norway Following Attacks

04 August 2011, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States [ANN] The president of the Seventh-day Adventist world church expressed condolences to the people of Norway, who continue to grieve the loss of friends and loved ones as a result of the July 22 attacks.


In an August 3 letter to Adventist Church leaders in Europe, Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson wrote, “The heartbreak and pain being experienced by so many families is beyond what words can express. I have prayed for the country of Norway, for its leaders, for the families who have been so tragically touched by the loss of their children and others.”

Wilson will have the opportunity to meet with Adventist Church members in Norway during a scheduled visit next month. [tedNEWS]

[ANN file photo by Gerry Chudleigh]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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