Want to Make New Friends and Contacts? Try FreeBible

"It's always a highlight of my day to send out the Bibles!"

News July 26, 2022

27 July 2022 | Watford, UK [Christian Salcianu]

We have all, at one time or another, ordered items online – a pizza, a book, that dress, those shoes, or that electronic device. For the guys at the warehouse, it was just another order, for the postal worker, just another delivery. But for you, for me, that box made the day!

Now, picture a neighbour or colleague at work waiting in anticipation for an item. And imagine that item is an Adventist sponsored product.

Picture a friend who, to get that product, went through a mini-series of Bible studies – including the fundamental beliefs of our faith. Even more, imagine the studies were completed without the involvement of an evangelist, missionary, or pastor – step by step, entirely online.

Now imagine the best part: you are the postal worker for this order! You knock on the door and deliver the package to a smiling and surprised person.

Since the inception of the project in 2010, it is estimated that almost 10,000 deliveries have taken place. Let me introduce you to FreeBible.

What is FreeBible?

FreeBible is an evangelistic opportunity powered by the UK ADC (formerly known as the Voice of Prophecy). In brief, it works like this:

You are searching online for a free Bible and discover our website. Only two clicks later, you are already engaged in one of the 28 quizzes offered on the page. As soon as you complete ten of these multiple-choice quizzes, you can receive a free premium Bible. Thousands have done it!

Who delivers the free Bible?

“It’s always a highlight of my day to send out the Bibles. Still, it’s even more satisfying when the Bible is to be hand-delivered by an Adventist member. The postal worker won’t give a personal invitation for more study or stay connected, but you can!”, says Audrey Wolfram, ADC Office Administrator.

The Bible echo is unmistakable here, “Who will go for Us?” (Isaiah 6:8) And the biblical answer just follows, naturally, in the same verse, “Then I said: Here am I. Send me.” Or, in Adventist parlance, “I will go”. When this happens, we don’t need to engage the postal worker anymore.

The brainchild of British Union Conference (BUC) Executive Secretary, pastor John Surridge, FreeBible has been running in the UK and Ireland since 2010. “Delivering a free Bible is the perfect way to make new contacts,” says Pastor Surridge. “Believe me, I’ve delivered hundreds! People are always pleased to see you – after all, you’re delivering their prize for completing the quiz.” Pastor Surridge, who also created the online quizzes, has consistently regarded this ministry as essential to ensure that the light and truth of the Word of God stays bright in secular Britain, and an increasingly secular Ireland.  He continues, “Recipients of the gift might not want to talk at the door, which is fine, but maybe they will. In which case, there is an opportunity to talk about the Bible, how you’ve found it exciting, and how it can change people’s lives. It is easy to deliver a free Bible, so I want to invite members to give it a try.”

Participants who complete all 28 quizzes, which explore the essentials of Adventist belief, not only receive a free premium Bible, but also a free illustrated copy of The Desire of Ages.

“Could someone in your sphere of influence – a neighbour, friend, relative, colleague be blessed with the gift of a Bible?, asks Pastor Christian Salcianu, newly appointed Director of the UK ADC, and wonders if the idea worth considering in your country, Union, Conference or Mission?

While the UK based FreeBible offer is not available to most tedNEWS readers, it is an encouraging story of how the Word of God continues to be shared far and wide in the UK and Ireland – providing thousands with inspired, life-giving words.  

To find out more about the work of the UK based Adventist Discovery Centre, visit their website.

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