Unusual Visitor at EPC

24 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Julian Hibbert, tedNEWS] One of the unusual visitors attending the EPC is Micha? Rakowski – he is neither a pastor nor a pastor’s spouse, nor part of the support team. What is he then? Micha? is a twenty-one year old “preacher’s kid”.

When this sociology student from Krakow, Poland, read about the EPC on ted-adventist.org and saw the interesting programme planned for it, he asked his father to sign him up “and pay for the conference, please” – even though the closing date for registration had passed. Fortunately, his father, Marek Rakowski (Polish Union Conference Secretary and Communication Director) was willing to do just that.


Micha? says he “knew, that it was going to be great – a blessed time. And I wasn’t wrong.” He has found the EPC programme full of “great lecturers, preachers, testimonies and music.”

As far as he is concerned: “God is blessing me so much, that every workshop I choose is magnificent! I attended ‘Social Media Revival’ on Tuesday – evangelistic work in social media is what I’m keen on. Yesterday Paul Thompkin’s workshop on ‘What to do, if young people turn from God’ was especially important for me, as I am a Youth Leader in Krakow. Janet Page’s ‘Ignite Your Prayer Experience’ workshops were also just what I needed”.

Micha?, who has some journalistic experience, not only listens, but he also shares: “Everyday I prepare a report from EPC for our official church website back in Poland”.

Well, if this “unusual visitor’s” comments tell us nothing else – they certainly suggest that the EPC programme content has been highly stimulating and relevant! [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor; Dragana Selakovic-Duval; Frederic Duval & Tor Tjeransen, photographers
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