Three Angels’ Messages: A Love Story

Free study guides and podcast to learn together!

News April 6, 2023

31 March | St. Albans, UK [tedNEWS]

God is love – we sing it, preach it, and powerfully proclaim it, but for some people the question remains: ‘Does God really love me?’ The unequivocal answer is an emphatic ‘YES!’ answers Dr Patrick Johnson, Trans-European Division (TED) Personal Ministries Director. In his book, Love Fights Back, Johnson provides a wonderful invitation to discover that the Three Angles’ Message is, at its core, a love story which is often misunderstood.

Love Fights Back - Study Guide 1As we begin to study the Three Angles’ Message as a global Church, Johnson wisely invites us to consider  some thought-provoking questions that can help us unveil biases and unlearn misconceptions: ‘‘What is God really like?’ Do the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 show Him to be an angry, vengeful God, a God to be scared of? Or do they rather portray a God we can run to, a God who longs to protect us and save us . . . a God we can trust?’

To say that these are crucial questions, with eternal ramifications for our lives, is no exaggeration. For this reason, and to help us explore this topic in depth, Johnson is releasing a series of Study Guides and Podcasts. These free resources, designed for group and personal study, will be shared weekly on the TED website.

Study Guide 1: Laying the Foundation (Chapter 1).
Study Guide 2:  The First Angel (Chapters 2-3).
Study Guide 3: The Second Angel (Chapters 4-6).
Study Guide 4: The Third Angel (Chapters 7-8). 


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