The Power of Inspirational Storytelling

Recognising, celebrating, and encouraging one another through storytelling

News February 14, 2022

14 February 2022 | Bracknell, Newbold [Seka Becejac with tedNEWS]

Back in 2019, Seka Becejac embarked on a creative project: collecting inspirational testimonies from people worshipping at Newbold Church, in Bracknell, England. Becejac collected one story per week and, at the end of the year, published the compilation in a book Great Things God Has Done. “It was a labour of love,” said Becejac about the project. “I just want to pass on the blessings my fellow members and I have enjoyed.”

The stories were so powerful, and their impact so palpable, that in 2020 Becejac compiled and published a second book, Mighty Works of God. The aim of both books is to inspire readers to recognise, celebrate and encourage one another through storytelling. As church members share their testimonies, community is strengthened. “We know a lot more about each other now,” said Becejac, grateful for the blessings the books are bringing to the Church.

“It was a labour of love,” said Becejac [Photos: supplied by Seka Becejac]

Becejac is now compiling stories for a third book and inviting submissions from people who live at Newbold and/or worship at Newbold Church. “This is an opportunity for you to write and share a story of what God has done in your life,” said Becejac. “Tell us how He has led you, encouraged you and continues to lead you no matter where you are.”

All submissions should be sent directly to Becejac ([email protected]) by 31 May 2022. The suggested length is two A4 pages.

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