31 August 2011 Watford, United Kingdom [Eglan Brooks, BUC NEWS] On Sabbath 24 September 2011, Adventists across the UK and Ireland have the chance in every church and community, for every member to set aside sometime to reach their immediate community with a message of hope. We are asking that each member distributes just five pieces of literature on this day. To this end the British Union Conference has made available over 200,000 pieces of literature so that individuals can have a variety to give to their family, friends, neighbours or community. Available free resources include: Focus magazines, LIFE.info magazines, Steps to Christ, Reach out for Life, and a variety of Pocket Signs tracts.
The Adventist Discovery Centre has a number of ADC cards which local churches can also use for distribution on the day. These can be purchased from the ADC by phoning 01923 672606 to place an order. Alternatively, you can email <[email protected]>.
For more on this venture, sponsored by the BUC Evangelism department in conjunction with the NEC, SEC, and Mission Personal Ministries Directors and Sponsors, visit the Personal Ministries page of the BUC website. [tedNEWS]
tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org
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