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2500 people celebrate World Pathfinder Day

News September 22, 2022

22 September 2022 | Watford, UK [Vanesa Pizzuto and David Neal]

The genius of Adventist Youth Ministry is the development of the Pathfinder Ministries. When 17 September is designated ‘World Pathfinder Day’ (WPD), it truly describes a global discipleship movement for children, teens and youth. Local clubs can be as easily found in Alaska as in the Solomon Islands, in Korea as in Ireland.

In the UK, 2,500 Pathfinders and their families celebrated WPD on 17 September at Stanborough Park, Watford, England. The event, a joint effort between the North England and South England conferences, marked the 72nd anniversary of the Pathfinder ministry world-wide. Packed with great music, a miming show, inspirational messages, and heartfelt prayers, the highlight of the programme, however, was the baptism of eleven Pathfinders in a portable baptistry and under the warm autumn sun.

“Two highlights will remain in my memory for the future: first, working together in community and second, making young disciples,” shared pastor Clifford Herman, South England Conference (SEC) Pathfinder and Adventurer director. “WPD allowed us to experience beautiful collaboration between North and South England conferences. The lives of young people are being changed by God as they accepted Him through baptism,” Herman added.

Left to right: Dejan Stojkovic, Clifford Herman and Ikwisa Mwasumbi [Photos: courtesy of Clifford Herman].

“I thank God for our Pathfinders every day and I pray their ministry will continue to grow,” said pastor Dejan Stojkovic, Trans-European Division (TED) Youth director. “We celebrated 72 years of the Pathfinder ministry and… it was a beautiful time to meet good friends, worship God and celebrate a number of baptisms that took place on the day. Please continue to keep our Pathfinders in your prayers and help your local clubs,” Stojkovic concluded.

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