‘The Journey’ begins as 4,000 European Youth network in Valencia, Spain

<p>2 August 2017 | Valencia, Spain [Victor Hulbert]&nbsp;Pack 4,000 youth from across Europe into a large auditorium. &nbsp;Add a rich mix of music, local Spanish culture, rapidly produced slick, on-the-spot video reports, and the story-telling skills of a master preacher, and you will quickly learn that worship and positive Christianity can still be a vibrant part of life for 21st century youth. &nbsp;Those youth were ready and excited for ‘The Journey’, theme of the Pan-European Youth Congress, running 1 – 5 August 2017 in the humid heat of Valencia, Spain.</p>

News August 2, 2017

2 August 2017 | Valencia, Spain [Victor Hulbert] Pack 4,000 youth from across Europe into a large auditorium.  Add a rich mix of music, local Spanish culture, rapidly produced slick, on-the-spot video reports, and the story-telling skills of a master preacher, and you will quickly learn that worship and positive Christianity can still be a vibrant part of life for 21st century youth.  Those youth were ready and excited for ‘The Journey’, theme of the Pan-European Youth Congress, running 1 – 5 August 2017 in the humid heat of Valencia, Spain.

Praise bandAdults present had forgotten just how enthusiastic youth can be!  Cheers rose across the packed auditorium as various countries were introduced.  A roar of approval came as a favourite worship song, ’10 thousand reasons,’ was beamed onto the screen.  That was followed by equally enthusiastic singing – particularly impressive as for most of the group, English is their second or third language.  Some had travelled for more than 20 hours by coach, yet their enthusiasm was not dimmed.

Crowd singing 1“The musicians are excellent,” states Jeff from Scandinavia. “Giving praise lifts the spirit.”  Other youth expressed the desire to gain a deeper spiritual experience with Jesus during the week, to increase their network of friends, and to learn through the 20+ workshops being held each day. 



IMG 2380You cannot come to Spain without an introduction to the beauty and culture of the country.  This was provided by a cleverly choreographed mix of Spanish folk dance and music on stage with images from across the country being projected on the screen.  But it was more than that.  While demonstrating the best of Spanish culture, it also told the story of ‘the journey’, a girl’s struggle to find meaning in life.  Success and meaning comes as she eventually discovers a Bible.

Sam by Nicolas BlackburnThat experience was moving in itself – and could easily have concluded a successful first night – but there was more.  Sam Leonor, Chaplain at La Sierra University, California, focused young minds of the start of the journey for Jesus’ disciples, the calling described in Mark 1:16-20.  The auditorium went quiet as he mixed anecdote with deep spiritual truth, concluding with the story of one of his students who constantly prayed for healing from a debilitating degenerative disease, but who found renewal when the prayer changed from healing to commitment.

sleeping accomodationSleeping in dormitory tents spread across two gymnasium floors, or in hotels spread across the city. Youth will awake on the second day for morning worship in a ‘TED talk’s’ type format, a series of workshops and activities, and during the week an opportunity for a Guinness Book of Records attempt at the largest image of Jesus created by hammering nails into a piece of wood – an activity that will start on site, but will climax as a witness in town, later in the week.

Those not at the congress can follow activities on the Congress YouTube channel, on Facebook, and on the Congress website.  Youth are posting their comments and photos on social media using the hashtag #AYC2017 and #TheJourney. [tedNEWS]

 tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Deana Stojkovic, associate editor
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Website: www.ted.adventist.org
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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