TED Health Ministries department expands and recruits new team member

<p>7 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [<em>ted</em>NEWS] &nbsp;Recognising the importance of health and wellbeing within the context of European Adventism the Health Ministries department is expanding its programme across the Trans-European Division. This is a result of a newly formed collaboration between Sanitarium Health &amp; Wellbeing in Australia and the TED.</p>

News March 8, 2017

7 March 2017 | St Albans, UK [tedNEWS]  Recognising the importance of health and wellbeing within the context of European Adventism the Health Ministries department is expanding its programme across the Trans-European Division. This is a result of a newly formed collaboration between Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing in Australia and the TED.

Torben Bergland, Health Ministries director, sees this as an opportunity to expand the services and support offered by the Health Ministries department. He says: “We are very pleased to enter into a collaboration with Sanitarium and believe that by offering this high-quality programme, we can make it easier for Adventists around the Division to reach out and help people who are interested in improving their health and lifestyle.”

As a result, the Health Ministries department is now recruiting a co-ordinator for the CHIP lifestyle programme.

The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) is a lifestyle enrichment programme designed to reduce disease risk factors through the adoption of better health habits and appropriate lifestyle modifications. Programme results are well-documented in over 31 scientific articles in peer-reviewed medical journals, including the American Journal of Cardiology, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, and Preventive Medicine. CHIP is endorsed by leading organisations like the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and the International Nutrition Research Foundation.

Cathy McDonald, Executive General Manager of Sanitarium Health & Wellbeing Services, says she is excited by the opportunity to work in partnership with the TED on this Health Ministry initiative.  “Our vision for the CHIP programme is for it to be used by local churches and health professionals throughout the TED to help them be centres of hope and healing in their local communities.  Given there is substantive evidence that CHIP can help to prevent, manage and in some cases reverse disease processes such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, the programme is often referred to by participants as one that helped turn their lives around.  Working with the Health Ministries team will ensure we can take a focused and co-ordinated approach to making a real and positive difference in people’s lives”. [tedNEWS]

The application deadline for the position as CHIP co-ordinator is 24 March 2017. For more information about the position and CHIP, see:

Job ad 
Job description

For questions and to submit your application please contact TED Secretariat. For the application, we request you send a letter of application, a CV and proof of qualifications in digital format by e-mail to the Secretariat.


tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Esti Pujic, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted.adventist.org
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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