"The Grace and the Change"

25 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [John Surridge, tedNEWS] Sabbath School morphed seamlessly into the divine service as the EPC organisers worked to bring the programme forward and spare the pastors and visitors in the packed marquee the discomfort of rapidly rising temperatures.

The scene was set by the third and concluding installment of a drama portraying the parable of the prodigal son. Performed by Dejan Stojkovic, Sam Neves and Gert Tapp, the drama illustrated the contrast between the prayers of the older and the younger brothers, but with a twist. This was no black and white, simplistic retelling of the well-known story. In fact both sons came in for condemnation. To the younger son the father said, “I’m here to answer your needs, but you’re trying to do it yourself. I’ll take care of your needs. I’ve forgiven you, and I’ve forgotten your bad deeds, but you need to let go. If you dwell on the past you’ll just end up being embarrassed and ashamed. That’s not my purpose for you.”


To the older son he said, “You need to be quite and listen. Get your phone, look at the invitations I’ve sent you. You were too busy… Scroll down further, look, I wanted to be with you, watching your son play football, but you were too busy… Your brother needed you. He didn’t need to be judged; he needed you, to take care of him. Be quiet, be still. You talk far too much. That is the problem with all my children. That’s why I created you perfectly – with one mouth and two ears! But you don’t listen. You never slow down, and all this busyness, it distracts you all. It is so hard for me to be with you so that you can be still and know that I am God.”

The parable ended with both sons removing their black t-shirts labeled “lost/prodigal”, to reveal white t-shirts underneath saying, “changed”.

The message? The parable Jesus told applies to all. Younger sons, older sons. Those in the world and those in the church. Members and, yes, pastors too. [tedNEWS]

To see more photos of the drama, please click here.

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor; Dragana Selakovic-Duval; Frederic Duval & Tor Tjeransen, photographers
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