02 March 2012 Harlow, United Kingdom [Calvin Mazengwe/SEC] A young man from Reading spoke of a life spent battling addictions to the group assembled at Harlow South Church Plant in Essex for their Youth Day, on February 4th. Michael Oxley told the youths assembled for a program on substance abuse how he changed from an addict to a powerful speaker and finally accepted Jesus Christ.
Youth Day organiser Del Baxter said, “The best and most powerful way to impact young people is to show them how God has already changed the complex lives of their peers. Michael’s story, however, truly touched not only the youth but the whole church”.
Young people from neighbouring churches, as well as from the community, joined Harlow South’s youth for a program focused on the effects of substance abuse. During the morning programme they had looked at the example of the prodigal son and the consequences of his decisions. This parable set the stage for Michael’s honest, eye-opening personal testimony.
Michael’s story brought home how the power of God can take you through even the darkest of hours; it certainly set the pace for the rest of the year! An older church member admitted, “I cried throughout the presentation, I thought I was the only one crying but, when I looked around, I discovered that several people were in tears.”
Following the programme, Elder Calvin Mazengwe remarked how impressed he was with the numbers of young people and their feedback. “Evangelism can be done by youth”, said Calvin, “We are encouraging our youth to brighten their corner and I am pleased that so many young people came.
Harlow South is a new church plant that already has more than ten candidates for baptism; among these, four are young people. [tedNEWS]
tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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