tedMEDIA Productions Website Launched

27 April 2011, St Albans, United Kingdom [Jemina Da Silva Macedo, tedNEWS]
As of this moment, tedMEDIA Productions, media unit of the Trans-European Division’s Communication Department has gone live. Complete with all their productions to date, the website also allows you to get to know the team, gives updates on current projects, behind the scenes photos and footage and of course, allows you to view any one of their numerous clips and episodes.


‘The tedMEDIA Productions website is packed with media resources that can be accessed and used in all aspects of ministry. From Bible studies to sermon starters, programme fillers to small groups — there are resources for every occasion,’ says Miroslav Pujic, TED Communications & Media Ministries Director. ‘The website allows everyone to use the material we are producing to further the nurture of current members as well as using the internet as a way of reaching postmodern thinkers and fence sitters.’

The flavour of the website is high-tech and professional and includes a variety of clips and programmes, including a 15 day ‘Get Active’ challenge with Patricia Ferreira-Lopez, as she attempts a range of new sports, encouraging the health message; inTUNE music videos; ‘Experiencing the Joy’ drama illustrations; talks with Cliff Goldstein; real life testimony stories; and reports and programmes from ‘Mind the Gap’ and ‘Evidence’.

‘Media is becoming more and more part of our everyday lives and it’s important that we harness it and use it to our advantage,’ says Pujic. ‘Now that we’ve created it, it’s up to you to use it — so get online now and see what’s on offer!’
To take a look at the new website and the resources currently available, go to www.tedmedia.org. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. 
You are free to re-print any portion of the bulletin without need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify tedNEWS whenever you publish these materials.

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