21 September 2022 | St Albans, UK [David Neal & Vanesa Pizzuto]
On Sabbath October 22nd , Seventh-day Adventists around the world will celebrate the wonders of creation. We call it ‘Creation Sabbath’, and in the words of the General Conference organisers it “gives a chance to rejoice, praise, and rest with God as we enjoy the creation He made.”
As we prepare the special October ‘Creation Sabbath’ edition of tedNEWS, we had a lightbulb moment! What if we celebrated God’s power and grace as Creator, by inviting readers to share their best pictures of God’s wonderful world?
The Pictures
The pictures we are looking for are of people, places, urban, rural, coastline, aerial, animals, insects, rocks and sand, overwater, underwater – and not just of places, but also of captured moments in time. The creativity for this stretches only as far as your imagination and your camera extends.
Approximately 1/3 of Trans-European members live in an urban area – and we want to affirm God shining in and through urban living. God’s wonderful world does not end at the city boundary and is certainly not exclusively defined as ‘rural’.
So get out that camera – compact digtial point and shoot, smartphone, DSLR, mirrorless, hi tech, low tech whatever you enjoy working with best. Shoot! – to share God’s goodness with tedNEWS readers who stretch from Iceland to Cyprus and far beyond to celebrate and inspire each other together. This is a totally age inclusive activity – from children, teens, young adults all the way up to to nonogenarians – all are welcome to join the fun.
The Rules
The only rules are that the picture is your own, and that you are trying to show how wonderful God is, and that this picture is an offering of praise to Him for his wonderful and creative power.
Please send your entry at the latest by Monday 17 October to David Neal ([email protected]) or Vanesa Pizzuto ([email protected]) including a title that describes or reflects the mood of your photo. In sending your picture, you give us permission to share.
And just to get you started here’s a few samples from an amateur gallery to give you ideas.

G0 – and capture that beautiful place or moment in time and in doing so – celebrate God!
[Photos: David Neal]