22 October 2013 | London, United Kingdom [Eglan Brooks/BUC news] For ten days, 63 delegates from the 11 Unions of the Trans-European Division (TED) and its three supporting Mission fields, gathered together in the Britannia Hotel, Central London, to attend the TED Field School of Evangelism as part of the ‘Mission to the Cities’ initiative.
Starting Thursday, 10 October, the attendees explored the biblical principles of evangelism in the context of how to ‘impact’ the world’s major cities. They also observed comprehensive and practical methods of reaching ‘city folk’, through the potpourri of evangelistic activities in London.
The purpose of the Field School was to inspire and equip the Union, Conference, and Mission leaders with the necessary tools to develop and engage in a cyclical evangelistic approach ‘back home’.
Dr Bertil Wiklander, TED President believes that, “Reaching people with the gospel today requires connections with them, allowing us to mingle and share as friends.” He adds, “As we prepare the church for this personal engagement, we should remember that we are part of God’s great mission to build a relationship with every human being, to eradicate evil from the earth, and to create a new heaven and a new earth. This is big but God can raise us to the task by His Spirit.”
Pastor Janos Kovacs-Biro, TED Evangelism director and Principal of the Field School was assisted by BUC Evangelism director, Pastor Eglan Brooks. Trainers were gifted practitioners in the fine art of contemporary evangelism across the TED, British Union Conference (BUC), and South England Conference (SEC).
Janos’ aim was to place “a curriculum of evangelism before our eager delegates and challenge them to experience and engage in what is happening in London.”
The focus of the delegates was not simply to fulfill the edict of the General Conference to hold meetings in the big cites of this world. It was an intense desire to spend time learning ‘missional’ skills. This was achieved by observing the prearranged outreach projects and praying for the people of London. Often, the delegates were actively engaged in the projects, assisted in preparing resources, as well as ‘door to door’ witnessing.
The ‘Sabbath sofa’ was a great hit in Oxford Street. Situated in the middle of one of London’s busiest streets, it was definitely a ‘talking point’. This unique concept invited passers-by to stop and rest for a while. The simplicity of the invitation engaged a number of individuals. The Heroes game also proved that teens can be engaged and nurtured to have fun and still learn some of the basic beliefs of the Bible.
Pastor Sam Davis, SEC President is excited about the event that was held in his territory: “As well as the delegation participating in the TED sponsored projects in Brixton, the Youth project at the Advent Centre, and the two church plants at Potters Bar and Uxbridge; I was also able to visit the projects in Wood Green and Clapton. Leading up to this October, several satellite meetings were held throughout the SEC. This has resulted in over 200 people being baptized to date.” He concluded by stating that the “evangelistic thrust will continue and the flame will continue to burn brightly across the city of London.”
Dr Michael Hamilton, TED Sabbath School director, noted the “keen sense of motivation” of the delegation. A Latvian delegate, L?vija Baltrušaite, stated that the programme “started amazingly and ended daringly.” A Finnish colleague added that the Field School taught us “not to be afraid.” Pastor Richard Jackson, North England Conference (NEC) Ministerial Association director, spoke of how he “was enlightened” by the event.
“The Field School of Evangelism was extremely beneficial in that it highlighted where every member and congregation needs to place their focus and understanding of evangelism”, states Pastor Ian Sweeney, BUC President. He was among many who referenced a key statement in the book, Ministry of Healing, p.143:
‘Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.”‘
Pastor Sweeney states, “No longer can we believe that we have fully accomplished our evangelistic purpose by simply distributing Adventist literature without first mingling and serving our community. It is in winning people’s confidence that introducing Jesus Christ becomes ever more meaningful and the Field School was powerful in showing this.”
As delegates return home the challenge now is to see the miracle that could happen if all 86,000 members in the TED truly began to witness. It could turn Europe upside down.
For resources from the TED Field School of Evangelism contact your local Union delegate. Delegates have full access to additional resources on the Mission to the Cities website: missiontothecities.co.uk. [tedNEWS]
tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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Website: www.ted-adventist.org
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