Summer of '22 Captured in Pictures

We have nothing to fear for the future , except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us… this past summer

News September 2, 2022

2 September 2022 | St. Albans [David Neal]

In this mix of photos by Jimmy Botha, Daniel Kluska, Roland Dan and David Neal, we share a brief pictorial review of the summer of ’22.

Newbold College of Higher Education

John Baildam served as Principal of Newbold College of Higher Education until 31 May 2022. Newly appointed Principal Dr Steve Currow expressed gratitude and appreciation for Baildam’s contribution to Newbold. “John has been stalwart in ensuring that Newbold has appropriate academic accreditation and has worked vigorously to build Newbold’s reputation in the UK Higher Education community.”

All change at Newbold College of Higher Education as Dr John Baildam retires and Dr Stephen Currow is appointed as Principal


General Conference Session

The 61st General Conference Session was held in St. Louis USA during the second week of June. Held in the shadow of a world emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic the Session was a first – both online and in person, but downsized in both time and people.

Plenty of space for all as this Session began its business on Monday 6 June


Outgoing President pastor Raaftat Kamal consults with a member of the delegation


Dr Kayle de Waal, TED Disciple Making coordinator, shares a perspective during a business discussion.


A word from the wise? Pastors, Paulsen and Duda counsel together,  a former and newly elected TED president.


Retiring General Conference vice president Pastor Ella Simmons, with newly elected vice president, pastor Audrey Andersson.


TED delegates and spouses group picuture after worship at Session, Sabbath 11 June.


Who moved? Can you spot the difference?


St. Louis heat. This moment late in the day captured by Jimmy Botha.


Youth Congress – AYC22

At the Adventist Youth Congress held in Lahti, Finland during the first week in August, a group of youth lead the praise and worship supported by the Congress choir led by Dr Tihomir Lazić. The stage backdrop art reads ‘LIVE’.


Pastor David Asscherick has a clear message for AYC22 youth.


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