Students complete Part I of the Certificate in Health and Wellness at Newbold

<p class="rtejustify"><span style="color: #696969;">21 August 2014 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Judith Makaniankhondo, <em>ted</em>NEWS]</span> On Friday, 15 August 2014, the Certificate in Health and Wellness Students successfully completed their first five weeks of the programme at Newbold. The ten-week intensive course is scheduled to be completed in two summers.</p>

News September 1, 2014

21 August 2014 | Bracknell, United Kingdom [Judith Makaniankhondo, tedNEWS] On Friday, 15 August 2014, the Certificate in Health and Wellness Students successfully completed their first five weeks of the programme at Newbold. The ten-week intensive course is scheduled to be completed in two summers.


The participating students who came from different parts of Europe have different plans of implementing their newly gained knowledge!

This is what some of the students had to say about their experience:

Pastor Jonathan Barrett of Stevenage and Welwyn Garden City Churches, UK: ‘If you were the kind of child at school who couldn’t wait for the lessons to be over so you could get to the sports field, then this intensive health study would suit you!  Not only did we have classroom lectures, we also experienced practical sessions in the gym and outside.  Even in the lectures we were encouraged to stand and move about or sit on exercise balls rather than chairs.  Millions die each year just from inactivity, so we were encouraged to keep moving!

During the five weeks of the course, we learnt about Nutrition, the Principles of Health and Fitness and Consumer Health.  We also put it into practise and are devising our own fitness plans, which can be used for both ourselves and in our ministry to the public.

It was so good that I am planning to come next year for part two with my wife as she really feels that she has missed out.  If you want a huge boost of wellness, and intend to share that with your community, plan to come to Newbold next summer for part two of the Certificate in Health and Wellness!’

Irena Stipesevic Rakamaric, MD, Public Health and Health Management Specialist: ‘Working in Croatia as a physician in public health, it has been challenging to see our poor population face cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. I found it very useful to broaden my knowledge in nutrition and empower it with scientific facts. An adequate vegetarian diet is found to be a powerful tool in preventing, treating and reversing such illnesses, so I will use this knowledge also in my daily work while developing and implementing health programmes.

I appreciated how the course provided a vast variety of up-to-date evidence-based information on a healthy diet and nutrition. All the controversial issues were freely discussed, we felt comfortable to raise whatever questions that came to our mind. There was also a good group dynamic, which facilitated adopting healthy behaviours. We shared our experiences and managed to acquire a broad perspective, whilst still stayed focused. It was a blessing to touch on consumer health issues which can be a trap that many of us may fall in to.

I specially enjoyed our morning devotionals which reminded us over and over why we are here in the first place; to proclaim the gospel; therefore, be proud of our health ministry and have courage in sharing the life saving health message within our communities.

I would strongly recommend this course to anyone who has special interest in lifestyle health issues, but also to health professionals that are lacking practical knowledge on nutrition and fitness.’

Kristoffer Sandstrom from Sweden: ‘It is Health and Gospel work combined that will finish the work on earth. I am privileged to be part of a programme that has this as its main objective. I pray that what we have learned here will result in changed lives, for eternity.’ 

Gloria Tukeba born in Congo, a Health Missionary in London: ‘As a founder of Our Great Commission (OGC), a youth ministry that educates and inspires young people, I felt that God opened the door for me to be on this Health and Wellness course. I plan to encourage the youth to see health as a lifestyle by delivering health presentations to different churches around London. I would encourage anyone to come to the second part of the course next summer, and enjoy being at the beautiful Newbold Campus.’

The enthusiasm of this group was commended by one of their teachers Dr Winston Craig, Professor of Nutrition at Andrews University, USA. Dr Craig added that he could only imagine the exciting days ahead as the students go off and implement new health programmes in their community.

If you would like to find out more about the Certificate in Health and Wellness please visit [tedNEWS] 

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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