Single and refreshed

<p>12 January 2017 | Utrecht, Netherlands [Madelon Comvalius / tedNEWS] &nbsp;More than eighty Dutch and Belgian singles of all ages gathered near the city of Utrecht on Sabbath, 10 December 2016 to be inspired and refreshed. The group included young students, single parents, widows and widowers, lifelong singles and divorcees. This was the second singles’ gathering organised by the Netherlands’ Family Ministries department, following the success of their first one in 2015.</p>

News January 12, 2017

12 January 2017 | Utrecht, Netherlands [Madelon Comvalius / tedNEWS]  More than eighty Dutch and Belgian singles of all ages gathered near the city of Utrecht on Sabbath, 10 December 2016 to be inspired and refreshed. The group included young students, single parents, widows and widowers, lifelong singles and divorcees. This was the second singles’ gathering organised by the Netherlands’ Family Ministries department, following the success of their first one in 2015.

More than 80 Dutch & Belgian singles came away refreshed from the event
More than 80 Dutch & Belgian singles came away refreshed from the event
“Just in case you are wondering,” states Madelon Comvalius, “a singles’ day is nothing like a dating event! It’s a day to meet together for solidarity and support, a day to spend time with people who understand you and encourage you, a day to make friends and pray for each other.”

In 2015 only 10% of the participants were men. This increased to 25% for this recent event. While not yet 50/50, organisers expressed delight at the significant improvement in the male/female ratio.

TED support for singles

TED Health & Singles Minitries director, Torben Bergland, asks Does Mr or Mrs Right really exist?"
TED Health & Singles’ Ministries director, Torben Bergland, asks "Does Mr or Mrs Right really exist?"
Torben Bergland is responsible for Health and Singles’ ministry within the Trans-European Division. Delighted to discover that singles’ ministry was already flourishing in The Netherlands, Bergland accepted an invitation to preach on the Sabbath morning. During the afternoon he also presented two interactive workshops, one on attachment, and one that posed the interesting question: ‘Does Mr or Mrs Right really exist?’ Karen Holford, TED Family Ministries director, offered workshops on refreshing your emotions and refreshing your relationships.

Total refreshment

The theme of refreshment was visible everywhere – on name badges, goody bags, water bottles, lemon water, lemon cake, fresh salad in re-usable salad beakers, and on prayer notes. Even the workshops were refreshing: Refresh your creativity, Refresh yourself, Refresh your connections and Refresh your presence. A ‘Refresh’ band was formed for the event to take care of the music and singing.

The circle game led to animated conversations on rapidly changing topics
The circle game led to animated conversations on rapidly changing topics
The entire day was relaxed, inspiring, friendly and full of worship. Participants the previous year suggested that there should be more time for interaction between people. This year the programme was interspersed with creative opportunities for making new friends, including a circle game where people changed conversational partners and topics every few minutes.

Netherlands Union President shares the challenge of loss

Wim Altink shares an honest conversation on singleness following the recent death of his wife after a 10 year struggle with cancer
Wim Altink shares an honest conversation on singleness following the recent death of his wife after a 10 year struggle with cancer
The end of the Sabbath was especially poignant. Wim Altink, president of the Netherlands Union, spoke openly and honestly about the challenge of losing his wife, Els, only a few weeks before the event. [See: TED Year-end Meetings a family gathering.] He also shared what it feels like to be single after so many years of marriage. All the singles in The Netherlands know that their president has a special appreciation for the experience and challenge of being single in the Adventist Church.


Even better than last time!

“My compliments, it was even better and more creative than last time,” wrote one participant on their evaluation form. Words like ‘inspiring’, ‘sociable’ and ‘relaxed’ were frequently used to describe the day. “I’m so happy I came!” said another.

“I loved every minute of the day!” said Karen Holford. “I’m not single, but I came away feeling blessed and refreshed. It was wonderful to experience such a creative and well-planned day.”

“It was a truly enjoyable day with laughter, fun, as well as honest conversations and discussions,” Torben Bergland reflected. “There are many singles in our church community. Yet, in a family-focused church, singles may at times feel a bit lonely. Therefore, I believe there is a need for events like this, where singles can enjoy fellowship and be nourished.”

‘We could not have done it without all our volunteers, who have worked so hard with such incredible dedication,’ said Madelon Comvalius, Family Ministries director in the Netherlands.

If you are interested in discovering more about Singles’ Ministry in the Division please contact Torben. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Esti Pujic, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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