Seventh-day Adventists in Sweden elect new Union President

25 July 2013 Stockholm, Sweden [Rainer Refsbäck, tedNEWS] The Swedish Union Session, took place at Ekebyholmsskolan on 2-6 July 2013. Although much time was spent discussing and negotiating, the overall atmosphere was one of spiritual enrichment and challenge.

During the first Thursday morning session, Göran Hansen was elected Union President for the Swedish Union of Churches Conference.

“I feel a lot of gratitude for the trust,” said Hansen in his brief acceptance speech. “I will work wholeheartedly to develop our churches and support their growth.”

Hansen also expressed his understanding that some felt hesitant about his suitability for the role of Union President but hopes that everyone will get to know him better in the months and years that lie ahead.


Hansen returned to Sweden in 2012 after many years serving as ADRA country director abroad, among other roles. For most of the past year he has been assistant pastor in the Stockholm Adventist Church, with responsibility for its ‘Center of Influence’ evangelism project. In his youth, he studied theology at Newbold College and then attended the seminary at Ekebyholmsskolan. However, for most of his life he has worked as a teacher and held administrative positions inside and outside the Church. Hansen was ordained and welcomed among the pastors during the Sabbath afternoon Mission programme.

Göran Hansen succeeds Pastor Robert ‘Bobby’ Sjölander who has requested an alternative assignment. Bobby Sjölander was elected as leader of the Evangelism Department later that day.

Daniel Hailemariam, who since 2010 has served as Executive Secretary, received renewed confidence as he was re-elected by an overwhelming majority.

Ronny Hermansson was also re-elected as Union Treasurer by a large majority.

Willy Aronsen was elected Deputy Youth Leader until a long-term leader can be found. Assistant Karolina Poland was re-elected as Assistant Youth Leader.

The Swedish Union Session began with a series of evening worships on Tuesday night, July 2. Pastor Derek Morris, editor of the Ministry Magazine, was invited to speak during morning and evening worships about life as a radical disciple of Jesus Christ. The theme of the Union Session was ‘In the Master’s Footsteps’ and summarised the strategic goals of the Union for the coming period: ‘Walk in Worship’, ‘Walk in Service’ and ‘Walk in Fellowship’.

In the Swedish Union, many proposals are prepared months before the Session takes place. Among the proposals winning favor with the delegates were more education for lay preachers, a new strategy and vision document, more churches encouraged to become Churches of Refuge, the Union paper Missionären to be sent to all Church members without cost, the work environment of pastors to be analyzed and attended to an the necessity of a three-party dialogue when pastors are asked to move to another church.

Other proposals greeted with favour included the idea that an interest group should take responsibility for the going interest in health ministers in local churches and the creation of the full-time post for a children’s, family and youth ministry director to expand the work in this important area.

One proposal that was sure to be divisive was that of ‘Men and Women Ministers in the Swedish Union’. In December 2012, the Union Board issued a statement regarding the attitude of equality which is currently held within the Union concerning its male and female pastors. It stated that the Union regards women and men as equals in ministry as far as General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Trans-European Division policy permits (at present, the only office a female pastor may not hold is that of Union President). Moreover, the statement mandated the Union leadership to promote its view among the decision-making bodies of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. This statement was presented as a motion at the Session but, after a lengthy and lively debate, it was voted that the Union should not take a stand regarding this issue until it is resolved by the General Conference in 2015.

After three days of deliberations the Session ended with a Sabbath filled with opportunities for spiritual renewal, beginning with a much appreciated ‘Shabbat Shalom’ Vespers and Communion Service on Friday night. On the following sunny Sabbath morning, 500-600 members from all over Sweden gathered for Bible Study in small groups all over the Ekebyholmsskolan Campus, a worship service filled with song and music, a Mission programme in the afternoon and a musical programme in the evening.

Post-Session Discussions

The newly elected Union Board gathered for its first meeting as soon as the Union Session ended and decided to clarify the nature of both its statement and the decision made at the Union Session.

In essence the Union Board pointed out that the December statement is not ‘a final standpoint on the issue of women’s ordination’, but rather an expression of support for the ongoing study of ordination theology and a message to the Division and the General Conference (GC) explaining the current stance of the Union.

The Board also wants to point out that the Session’s decision is in no way a stance against the ordination of women pastors, but a request to await the decisions of the GC in 2015.

The Board confirmed that male and female pastors will continue to have the same benefits and responsibilities and that the Union Session’s decision in no way changes the status of female pastors in the Swedish Union. “We will continue to support our women pastors and to encourage more women to serve the Lord and our churches as pastors,” the clarifying statement reads. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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