Recommitment to Freedom of Belief Urged at Annual Religious Liberty Event in Washington

Recent assassination of religious freedom advocate Bhatti a reminder for renewed support
07 April 2011, Washington, D.C. [Bettina Krause/IRLA, ANN] Last month’s assassination of Pakistani cabinet minister and religious freedom advocate Shahbaz Bhatti added a somber note to the April 5 Religious Liberty Dinner in Washington, D.C.

More than 200 government officials, ambassadors, religious leaders and religious liberty advocates stood for a minute of silence to honor Bhatti and the many others around the world who over the past year have suffered persecution, imprisonment, or death for their faith.


Religious freedom supporters and activists met at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel for the 9th annual Religious Liberty Dinner, an event sponsored by the International Religious Liberty Association, Liberty Magazine and the North American Religious Liberty Association.

Bhatti, the only Christian in Pakistan’s cabinet, was gunned down on March 2 by members of Pakistan’s Taliban, who objected to his outspoken criticism of the country’s discriminatory blasphemy laws.

In an emotional address, Knox Thames, a friend and colleague of Shabaz Bhatti, and director of policy and research at the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, told the audience they could best remember this man of integrity by “making his death matter” and continuing his work.

Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. President Barak Obama’s nominee for the position of Religious Freedom Ambassador-at-Large, was the evening’s keynote speaker. She praised the work of the IRLA and called on all those present to recommit themselves to the effort of protecting and preserving freedom of conscience worldwide.

Quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Cook said the path to living in peace with others involves learning to “listen to and learn from those who think differently from ourselves.”

Ted N. C. Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, opened the evening, saying that religious liberty is part of the “DNA of the Adventist Church.” He reaffirmed the church’s longstanding commitment to promote such freedom for all people, no matter their faith tradition.

Three advocates of religious freedom were also honored at the dinner:

-Norway’s former Bishop of Oslo Gunnar Stålsett received the Religious Liberty International Award for his lifetime of efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation between people of different faith traditions.
Norway’s former Bishop of Oslo, Gunnar Stålsett, was honored for his lifetime work of promoting peace across faith communities.

-Kit Bigelow, former external affairs director for the National Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is, for her 25 years of human rights advocacy, both at the United Nations and in Washington.

-Edwards Woods III, volunteer director of the Lake Region Chapter of the North American Religious Liberty Association, received this year’s A.T. Jones medal for his grassroots activism in building up religious liberty support across Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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