Racism versus justice, mercy and humility.

29 May 29, 2020 |Bern, St. Albans. [EUDnews, <em>ted</em>NEWS]&nbsp; <br /><br /><em><strong>The video #dearcoronavirus 11 addresses a current and burning issue.</strong></em><br /><br />When the GAiN* Europe leadership team chose the subject of racism and discrimination for the 11th <a href="https://youtu.be/d8KEgO30H1w" target="_blank" rel="noopener">dearcoronavirus video clip</a>, they had no idea of the horrific headline that would appear near the top of this week’s news agenda.

News May 29, 2020

29 May 29, 2020 |Bern, St. Albans. [EUDnews, tedNEWS] 

The video #dearcoronavirus 11 addresses a current and burning issue.

When the GAiN* Europe leadership team chose the subject of racism and discrimination for the 11th dearcoronavirus video clip, they had no idea of the horrific headline that would appear near the top of this week’s news agenda.

The coronavirus pandemic has increased issues of hate against various people groups. Overcoming that hate was the primary target for the week, but the tragic death of George Floyd in Minnesota, USA, highlights that prejudice in all its forms is something we need to stand against and fight.

Micah the prophet states, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” [Micah 6:8 NKJV]

Those three key principles are shared in this short video and need to be a part of our lives as we stand up to all forms of racism or bigotry.


Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that racial discrimination is an offence against our fellow human beings, who were created in God’s image. In Christ “there is neither Jew nor Greek” (Gal. 3:28). Therefore, racism is really a heresy and in essence a form of idolatry, for it limits the fatherhood of God by denying the brotherhood of all mankind and by exalting the superiority of one’s own race.

While the sin of racism is an age-old phenomenon based on ignorance, fear, estrangement, and false pride, some of its ugliest manifestations have taken place in our time. Racism and irrational prejudices operate in a vicious circle. Racism is among the worst of ingrained prejudices that characterize sinful human beings. Its consequences are generally more devastating because racism easily becomes permanently institutionalized and legalized and in its extreme manifestations can lead to systematic persecution and even genocide.

While this clip, #dearcoronavirus 11, will not solve the problem, it will demonstrate that we are not indifferent. Sharing this clip will send a powerful message. Racism has its roots in the lack of respect for any human. We need to remember that we all are created in the image of God. With this video the GAiN Europe leadership team stand with you in the fight against injustice, and long with you for the day when we can all learn to live within the principles of justice, mercy and humility. That is our prayer.

#dearcoronavirus is a series of video clips designed to share hope around the world during the current pandemic. Translated into multiple languages the clips are being aired in more than 60 countries.


*GAiN is the Global Adventist Internet Network

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Deana Stojković, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted.adventist.org
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.

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