Quality of Newbold Education on Par with State-Funded Universities

<p>31 May 2017 | Binfield [John Baildam]&nbsp;Newbold College of Higher Education recently underwent its quadrennial Higher Education Review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the body appointed by the government to assure the quality of higher education provision throughout the UK.</p>

News May 31, 2017

31 May 2017 | Binfield [John Baildam] Newbold College of Higher Education recently underwent its quadrennial Higher Education Review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), the body appointed by the government to assure the quality of higher education provision throughout the UK.

John BaildamA new framework put into place by the QAA since the College’s last full review in 2012 meant that Newbold was measured against the same criteria that apply to large state-funded providers – and the results were gratifying. The College was found to meet every Expectation of the Quality Code for Higher Education, receiving, with only one minor exception, the lowest possible category of risk for each.

Quality of Newbold CollegeA reading of the QAA reports of state-funded universities shows that Newbold has outperformed some much larger institutions, many with teams dedicated to ensuring that QAA requirements are met – a huge accolade for the College.

Because the College does not receive government funding, Newbold was additionally subject to a Financial Sustainability, Management and Governance check. The College again received positive affirmation.

The full report, which was formulated following a three-day visit in February by four QAA reviewers, was made public in May and reflects intensive discussions with staff and students and a detailed exploration of the College’s robust self-evaluation document including over 300 annexes.

The QAA noted that the College met UK standards in the four key areas, namely:
• the maintenance of the academic standards of the awards offered on behalf of its degree-awarding bodies
• the quality of student learning opportunities
• the quality of its information about learning opportunities; and
• the enhancement of student learning opportunities.

In particular, the QAA review team affirmed the following actions which the College is currently taking towards making academic standards even more secure and improving the educational provision offered to its students:
• the steps being taken to ensure that the development of new programmes follows a robust and systematic approval process
• the steps being taken to develop an enhancement policy, and to explicitly embed enhancement in the strategic framework of the College; and
• the establishment of a new strategy group with a focus on enhancement that includes staff and governors.

The College was also commended for its comprehensive approach to identifying, analysing and meeting the learning resource needs of students.

Quality of Newbold College2The manager of the review team was particularly complimentary about Newbold’s overall support of the review process and the willing co-operation of the staff and students who participated in discussions with the panel.

In these days of intense regulation and accountability, the result of this review is particularly pleasing for the College and for the many alumni, church members and friends who support Newbold’s vision and values. The full report can be accessed at www.qaa.ac.uk

The QAA evaluation stands alongside an equally vigorous process organised by the Adventist Accrediting Association. This fully ensures that as well as high academic excellence, students also discover solid spiritual values within an Adventist ethos and can transfer credits to and from other Adventist colleges and universities.

To find out more about how you can further your education at Newbold visit www.newbold.ac.uk. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Esti Pujic, associate editor
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Website: www.ted.adventist.org
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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