Power of One youth leave a smoking Impact on Novi Sad

2 August 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Tabitha Krznar, tedNEWS]  There was a marked decrease in the cigarette smoking of the Novi Sad residents occupying ‘Mercartor Centar’ today. Brave Power of One (Adventist Youth Congress, AYC) team troops made their mark by asking bystanders to swap their cigarettes in exchange for fresh fruit as a part of one of the six outreach activities undertaken greatly anticipated Impact day.

Benjamin Zihlman and Reimo Butscher from Switzerland were surprised that ‘most of them were willing to swap their entire packet of cigarettes, we threw out about 5 packets.’ ‘The highlight for us was a talk with a girl who swapped her smokes for fruit and then said she and her boyfriend wanted to try stop smoking; we exchanged details and will continue to encourage her in her decision over Facebook.


The Novi Sad centre square was also bustling with AYC-er activity as youth surprised the public by giving complimentary Exit Christian magazines and bottled water to anyone who accepted the gifts.

‘When we gave out all our magazines, we decided to ask people if they wanted to pray with us, says Jasmin Wimmer-Cuport from Austria. ‘My friend and I had the opportunity to pray with a man and ask God to help him realise how much he was loved by Jesus, the mans eyes filled with tears and he appeared touched by our prayers.’

‘Amazing grace’ had the ‘soldiers in the (AYC) army’, singing a medley of spiritual songs which filled Dunavski Park, while heartfelt silent prayers went up to heaven for the precious souls of the Serbian community. Meanwhile back at the SPENS centre prayer warriors fervently petitioned for the blessing and power of God on AYC-Impact day.

The AYC Impacters were more than happy to stop and chat, take photos and share with the grateful recipients of the refreshing snack ‘Lubenica’. ‘When we offered people free watermelon they were shocked that young people were handing out things for free, not everyone accepted the gift we offered, but the ones who did were all to happy to receive it,’ says Madli from Estonia.

The AYC army marched forth and rolled up their sleeves getting messy by ministering through acts of service such as cleaning the banks of the Danube river and cleaning and painting fences and benches in local the schools.

An extraordinary donation had a very special group of AYC participants who also rolled up their sleeves, in the most sacrificial sense, to donate their own blood.

‘We are proud and blessed to see that Impact day appears to have had a real impact on both the community and AYC delegates, we hope and pray that it is long lasting and furthers the gospel and strengthens the churches of Europe. It is a privilege to watch our delegates take the Power of One to the people through practical Christianity and sharing the gospel,’ says Janos Kovacs-Biro, Director for Evangelism at the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventist.

Please remember that you can watch the morning and evening worship programmes by clicking here.  For more photos, please click here. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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