Polyphony of unity manifest at TED Spring Meetings

<p>25 May 2016 | Binfield, UK [Victor Hulbert]&nbsp; The headline may sound very profound – but the purpose is simple. With 15 presidents representing 22 countries with diverse cultures, languages and perspectives, how can the leadership of the Trans-European Division follow Christ's desire that 'they may all be one'. (John 17:21)</p>

News May 25, 2016

25 May 2016 | Binfield, UK [Victor Hulbert]  The headline may sound very profound – but the purpose is simple. With 15 presidents representing 22 countries with diverse cultures, languages and perspectives, how can the leadership of the Trans-European Division follow Christ’s desire that ‘they may all be one’. (John 17:21)

David Trim Polyphony of unity
David Trim’s morning devotional on Joshua 22 set the tone for the day
David Trim, Director of the Adventist World Church Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research put on his historians hat to expand on a story of misunderstanding in Joshua 22. He shared how, by talking to each other, by not rushing to judgement, and by carefully listening, a potential war could be turned into a time of worship – all singing from the same hymn sheet, but in a polyphony of tones.

The chapter is worth a read – both as an example of good crisis management, but also as a means of demonstrating that different groups of people, worshipping the same God, can praise Him rather than accuse each other of wrongdoing. The conclusion is excellent: what was an altar of misunderstanding becomes ‘a witness between us that the Lord is God.’ (Joshua 22:34)

Nenad JepuranovićThat very emphasis helped throughout the day on Monday, 23 May, as the TED Executive Committee met at Newbold College to review finances, approve the auditor’s report, vote resources to further the mission of the Church and finally, spend an hour focused on reviving Mission and understanding Adventist identity in a European context. Much of the agenda was routine, yet important. Bosnia, Finland, Latvia, Macedonia and Norway were all given grants to assist in the translation of Ellen White books, while an unexpected recommendation was also voted that the Ellen White Estate consider reviewing and modernising the language of the English versions of key books.

“The Adventist Home is excellent resource material,” Karen Holford, TED Family Ministries director, stated. “However, it is written in language so old that many of our members struggle to read it and therefore miss out on the very practical advice.”

Subsidies were also voted for the development of Bible Correspondence Courses and toward the expenses of the 2017 European Youth Congress in Valencia, Spain.

After lunch the nominating committee brought a short report. This focused on completing the TED leadership team and the election of leadership for the Greek Mission and the Cyprus Section.

David Neal
Newly elected TED Stewardship director, David Neal
David Neal, currently serving as President of the Irish Mission, will take on the full-time role of Stewardship director for the TED – a position financed directly from the General Conference for the next 3 ½ years. “I see the heart and soul of Christian Stewardship as an invitation to let God manage me”, Neal confessed following his election. “The old gospel song ‘Take My Life and Let it be’, reminds me of the implications of Paul’s words, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” [Galatians 2:20] Take everything I have Lord, my skill, my thoughts, my time, my health, my family, my funds, your creation that you’ve asked me to manage – it is all yours. How can I use it for your best purpose?” he added.

Throughout his ministry as a church pastor, youth director in the South England Conference, and more recently as Irish Mission President, Neal is known for his enthusiasm and vision. “Imagine, just imagine, the revolution that can take place in our lives, in our church, and in our community if we grow and mature in these values,” he says. “It is a ministry I am very much looking forward to sharing.”

TED Spring Meeting 2016 lunch relaxation
Göran Hansen explaining Church Growth statistics in Sweden during the lunch break
An expert on health, Torben Bergland, TED Health Ministries director, will now add Singles Ministries to his portfolio. Hilde Huru, a lay representative from Norway was elected to the TED Executive Committee, while Claudio Gulyas and Branislav Mirilov were both re-elected as the presidents of the Church in Greece and Cyprus respectively. TED Treasurer, Nenad Jepuranovic will serve as Secretary-treasurer for Greece, helping to keep a closer eye on a Church that has struggled financially since the economic collapse. TED Associate Secretary, Dean Papaioannou will continue to fulfil the same function for Cyprus. The TED takes direct responsibility for Cyprus as a very small unit within the Division. As such they also elected the Cyprus Executive committee: Efthimios Arsiotis, Teresa Demetriou, Alex Emadjian, Valerie Fidelia, and Johnny Manassian.

Two other positions, TED Diversity co-ordinator and Music and Worship co-ordinator, were referred to the administration to delegate on an assignment by assignment basis.

Raafat Kamal TED Spring meetings 2016
Raafat Kamal leads an interative discussion on Mission
The day concluded with a discussion about the need for a Mission Conference. It is more than 20 years since such an event was held in Europe and both the Church and the world surrounding it has seen incredible change in that time. While TED president, Raafat Kamal, facilitated the debate, and clearly believes strongly in mission, he encouraged every delegate to be actively involved in the discussion.

This included British Union Conference president, Ian Sweeney’s desire for “practical experiences that work”, to Mirilov noting that “good theology informs mission.”

Daniel Duda TED Spring meetings 2016
Adventist Mission director, Daniel Duda, contributing to the debate on Mission and identity in Europe
What does the dream church look like? TED Campus Ministries director, Tihomir Lazic, emphasised that it needs “all age groups involved.” Reidar Johansen Kvinge, Norwegian Union president quoted one of his members, “I spent 20 years trying to motivate people… then I discovered that young people are motivated.”

TED Spring Meeting 2016Janos Kovacs-Biro, TED Youth Ministries director, talked about the “search for identity within Europe.” He stated, “It is a shame we are asking these questions after 120 years, but good that we are asking regarding our relevancy for Europe. It is not just ‘what is the dream church for our young people,’ but what is the added value to Europe.”

Many participants expanded on Victor Hulbert’s theme, “We need to allow people to take risks.” As TED Communication and Media director he has seen some success when we give people permission. Ministerial Association director, Patrick Johnson summed it up nicely, “We need faith based optimism. With such leaders the Church will grow!” [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor

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Website: www.ted.adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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