Pioneer Work in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq

19 July 2011 Kurdistan, Iraq [Basim Fargo/Kjell Aune, tedNEWS] After the war that started in 2003, many Christians in Iraq – including Adventists – left Iraq to seek asylum in other countries. Some fled to neighboring countries like Jordan and Syria, hoping to be able to go back home one day soon. Some also went to the north of Iraq where the situation has been safer. About 10 families went to Duhouk city in Kurdistan, Northern Iraq.


Iraq used to have a strong work going, with hundreds of active members and congregations in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk. We still have some faithful members in Baghdad that worship in the nice and spacious church center that the church owns and that has been expanded after the war started.

Because of the violence, kidnappings, explosions, Christians fleeing the country in large numbers, and the loss of the majority of the Adventist members who also have left the country, it has been difficult to do outreach and to progress with the work in Iraq. For some time there has been a dream to start a new work in Kurdistan, in the north of Iraq, away from the violence of Baghdad. Now the dream has come true. Pastor Oweda Wehbe from Egypt has accepted a call to serve in Iraq Field as a pastor in the city of Duhouk in the Kurdistan region. The family is already established there and about to start their new work. A place has been rented as a gathering place and parsonage.

It is exciting that God has opened a window of opportunity to start a new work in this northern, un-entered area of war-torn Iraq. Ten years ago this might never have been thought possible, but God had his timing and we can now praise him for making a dream come true. We pray that pastor Oweda together with his family and the Adventists in northern Iraq will be able to build a strong church and an effective outreach to the local communities. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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