Pastors in England Discuss Postmodernism & Outreach

24 April 2012 Bracknell, United Kingdom [Kirsten Øster-Lundqvist] South England Conference ministers in the provinces gathered at Newbold church on Wednesday 18 April 2012 to discuss postmodernism and outreach to the majority population. A presentation on postmodernism by Dr Miroslav Pujic, Trans-European Division Ministry to Postmoderns director, shared some identifying aspects of how a postmodern mindset operates, and highlighted several challenges for the Church when using more traditional evangelistic methods for outreach. He noted that a postmodern mindset responds better to a relational outreach rather than programmes. Dr Pujic concluded by urging the pastors to “always start the conversation with Jesus.”


“The presentation brought out some wider principles as we try to reach a secular society,” stated Southampton pastor, Douglas McCormac. Pastor Sam Davies cares for Bedford and Milton Keynes church and appreciated the presentation: “It brought alive what we are doing, and helped me rethink my approach to the wider community.”

The afternoon debate on reaching the majority population of the UK displayed a passion among the pastors to find methods to reach this people group. In small groups the pastors discussed threats and opportunities, what has worked where, class differences and cultural diversity within the majority population, and how our Church can become better in reaching this specific group.

Pastor Theo Rios cares for the English and Portuguese speaking churches in Peterborough. He called for a programme to be developed by Church leadership. Other pastors expressed that work had to be done in a local context. Youth worker Steven Hulbert shared how it is by developing authentic friendships in the local community that churches grow. Pastor Kwesi Moore expressed that the day had given him an “awareness of how little we understand of the enormity of the task, and how important it is that we can share a deep love for people, regardless of cultural context, colour or philosophical perspective.”

Pastor Ian Sleeman, who organised the meeting, commented: “I wanted to share my hopes and dreams for evangelizing the majority population. We have had the discussion many times before,” and he added, “but it was good to hear the other pastors’ frustration and perceived opportunities, and together I hope we can find a way forward.” To learn more about the discipleship strategy in reaching postmoderns please go to and for the resources please look at this web site, [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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