Norwegian Bible Society honours Adventist pastor

<p>6 October 2016 | Kristiansand, Norway [Tor Tjeransen, Norwegian Union Communication Director]</p> <p>Pastor Per de Lange and his wife, Monica, were honoured by the Norwegian Bible Society when they received the Bible Prize 2016 during in inter-denominational meeting in the cathedral of Kristiansand, Norway at the end of September.</p>

News October 6, 2016

6 October 2016 | Kristiansand, Norway [Tor Tjeransen, Norwegian Union Communication Director]

Pastor Per de Lange and his wife, Monica, were honoured by the Norwegian Bible Society when they received the Bible Prize 2016 during in inter-denominational meeting in the cathedral of Kristiansand, Norway at the end of September.

Dr Ingeborg Mongstad Kvammen, Secretary General of the Norwegian Bible Society presented the Bible Prize 2016 to Per and Monica de Lange at an inter-denominational meeting in the Kristiansand Cathedral in Norway on Sunday September 25, 2016. The meeting was part of the celebrations of 200 years since the founding of the Norwegian Bible Society. Per de Lange is a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the West Norway Conference. L. to r.: Ingeborg Mongstad Kvammen, Secretary General, Norwegian Bible Society; Per de Lange and Monica de Lange. Photo: Tor Tjeransen/ADAMS
“For more than forty years the Prize winners have profiled the Bible through song and music,” stated Dr Ingeborg Mongstad-Kvammen, Secretary General of the Norwegian Bible Society, during the Prize giving ceremony. “They have sung Scripture and songs about the Bible on a number of records and at innumerable meetings and worship services,” he said.

During the citation from the Bible Society he added, “Many have come in contact with the Bible through Per and Monica’s appearances on radio and television. Through their ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church they have exemplified the message of the Bible. They have made an enormous contribution to the Bible Work in the Southern region of Norway and the Bible Committee in that region.”

Mongstad-Kvammen emphasised the extraordinary contribution the de Lange’s have made in uplifting the Bible through song and music, church work and their work on the Bible Committee. “We want to honour you for your work in uplifting the Bible,” he said.

A major task of the Norwegian Bible Society is to foster a renewed use of the Bible in churches and congregations, in schools, in culture and in society. The Bible Prize has been awarded since 1995.

The aim of the prize is to recognise one or more persons who have contributed to extending the use of the Bible or contributed to a revival of Bible use. The Prize is awarded to contributors in the area of culture, but also those active in promoting Bible use in schools among children and young people. 

For many years Pastor de Lange has been the most well-known Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the public arena. With his wife, Monica, they have released a number of music albums under their artistic name “Per & Monica”. Pastor de Lange has an equally exceptional gift for illustrating the biblical message with an array of objects he has collected through the years.

Photo: Tor Tjeransen/ADAMS
“We never expected anything like this,” pastor de Lange responded. “Yes, we have been engaged in this work for many years. We have been digging in the Middle East to find things to support the Bible. We have been fascinated by such things,” he added.

The couple then sang a song which is very dear to Christians across the entire denominational landscape in Norway.

The Bible Prize of the Norwegian Bible Society consists of a luxury edition of the Bible and a framed page from a Bible translation from 1633. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor
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