
Uncategorised May 20, 2021


Building Blocks Bible StudyInspirational verses | Bible StudyWomen in the Bible and me | Journaling book 


‘Bulding Blocks’ Bible Study 

The Trans-European Division Women’s Ministries department is pleased to announce a new Bible Study called ‘Building Blocks’. The study is comprised of the 28 ‘building blocks’ based on the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Each ‘Building Block’ will be accompanied with relevant Bible verses and there is a journaling page to go with it.
The idea is to write out the text in a journal, underline any words or phrases that speak to a person studying, which then can be coloured in and placed in a Bible or a personal journal, along with a prayer to God for the insight into what was being studied.

This is a simple but quite an effective way to help to daily focus on at least one Bible text and remember why, we as Adventists, believe what we believe.

Click on the image below to open and download the study.


Inspirational verses

Bible texts Never too old letting god lead bible verses Bible texts serving   thankfulnessbible verses restBible verses Gracebible text blessingsJOY  DO NOT FEAR 


Bible Study lessons and colouring pages




Creative Bible Study
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Women in the Bible and Me – Study lessons and colouring book

  Women in the Bible and Me women in the bible and me

For more information about the study lessons and the colouring book, please click here.



Journaling Book

WM Monthly Bible Study 2018 01 JanuaryWM Monthly Bible Study 2018 02 FebruaryWM Monthly Bible Study 2018 03 March


 To access more journaling plans, please click here



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