Newbold to Offer Andrews Doctor of Ministry

<p>29 January 2018 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins]</p> <p>Newbold College of Higher Education and Andrews University (USA) are partnering to offer European students a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) at Newbold starting in 2018.</p>

News January 29, 2018

29 January 2018 | Binfield, UK [Kirsty Watkins]

Newbold College of Higher Education and Andrews University (USA) are partnering to offer European students a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) at Newbold starting in 2018.

The DMin, which will specialise in Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry, will have a one-off intake with intensive classes offered from mid-May to early June 2018 followed by further intensive classes in 2019, 2020, and 2021, and a final doctoral research project.

The programme aims to aid with the normalisation and celebration of racial diversity in the postmodern world. Racial inclusivity in the world and the perceived racial exclusivity in the church suggest that something is amiss. To minister effectively in the 21st century context, there is a need to develop effective models for Multiethnic/Multicultural Ministry and Mission.

Through the programme, doctoral students will learn to apply principles of racial reconciliation in church and community, transition a church for inclusive mission and ministry, process and manage change, implement spiritual health into 21st century life, utilise principles of reflective practice, and implement best practices and establish clear assessment indicators.

“Newbold College of Higher Education is responding to the clear demands of pastors across the Trans-European Division for a professional doctorate in the area of pastoral ministry,” said Dr John Baildam, Newbold Principal.

“In collaboration with Andrews University and the Trans-European Division, the College has selected a concentration in Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry, which we believe is the one best suited to the opportunities within our geographical area.

“We believe that this Andrews University doctorate, offered on the Newbold campus, will give our pastors the opportunity to grow spiritually and professionally, enabling them to approach their ministry with ever greater cultural sensitivity. Church members will be assured that their pastors have undergone this advanced study with the aim of serving their congregations in an even better way.”

“In an increasingly globalised world, Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry is not a trend, it is a reality. Pastoral effectiveness in the 21st century necessitates the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary to minister in a multiethnic/multicultural world,” added Dr Kenley D. Hall, Associate Professor of Christian Ministry & Discipleship and Religious Education at Andrews University.

Kleyton Feitosa DMin, a 2016 Andrews University graduate, said, “As a student in the Doctor of Ministry programme, I had an opportunity to look at my ministry context and ask hard questions, questions that made me think and analyse my ministry in a different way. It made me a better pastor.”

“The DMin programme challenges pastors to become leading servants of God as they develop greater analytical skills to serve His people more effectively. I hope that more pastors will take hold of this great opportunity,” said Sung Kwon PhD, DMin student at Andrews University.

“This programme is a further example of Newbold reaching out across the Division in response to expressed needs, and it will be wonderful to host what we anticipate will be a highly multicultural group of participants,” concluded Dr Baildam.

Successful applicants will hold a Master of Divinity (or equivalent) and have a minimum of three years’ experience in ministry, amongst other admission requirements. Applications close 16 March, so interested applicants should enquire as soon as possible by emailing [email protected] or calling +44 (0)1344 407423. More information is available on the Newbold website.

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Sajitha Forde-Ralph, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.

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