“More to Explore” TED Pathfinder Camporee

<p class="rtejustify"><span style="color: #696969;">19 August 2014 </span>| <span style="color: #696969;">Ommen, The Netherlands [Paul Tompkins, <em>ted</em>NEWS] </span>The 11th Trans-European Division (TED) Pathfinder Camporee took place in Ommen, Netherlands from 29 July - 5 August 2014. These camps are long anticipated by Pathfinders from around the Division and nearly 2,200 participants from 18 countries met at the Gilwell Ada's Hoeve campsite under the theme 'More to Explore.'</p>

News September 1, 2014

19 August 2014 Ommen, The Netherlands [Paul Tompkins, tedNEWS] The 11th Trans-European Division (TED) Pathfinder Camporee took place in Ommen, Netherlands from 29 July – 5 August 2014. These camps are long anticipated by Pathfinders from around the Division and nearly 2,200 participants from 18 countries met at the Gilwell Ada’s Hoeve campsite under the theme ‘More to Explore.’

 Back in 1986 the 4th TED Camporee had also met on the same site – the last time the Netherlands was the host country – but such has been the growth in Pathfindering in the TED since that time that whereas then all the site could meet together around the camp fire bowl at one sitting, on this occasion the participants were split into two nights to fit comfortably in the available seating. The result though was just as electrifying and memorable.

There were many other memorable highlights, notably on the Sabbath when the whole camp took part in an ‘Egypt to Canaan’ Bible trail to the local Bostheater outdoor auditorium. Here a moving worship service and baptism of four Pathfinders took place. In the-50 year history of this venue this is the first time that the amphitheatre had been filled with so many people – Pathfinders singing and praising God. This was truly an exciting memory event. The Market Day has also long been a key feature of the Camporee and this year over €12,000 were raised, which will be used to fund an ADRA Netherlands children’s project in Haiti (€10,000) plus the extra amount, together with the camp offering (€1850), will go towards a second local children’s  project in Rotterdam.

Each Union contributed to the Camporee by providing many innovative activities. In addition the Roverland, for older Pathfinders, provided additional challenging events including a Roverchef competition, a night hike and a rafting competition. Other special Pathfinder events included a visit to the nearby swimming pool and trips past the site by boat on the local river.

This year the morning worships were held in each Union encampment and it was inspiring to see the clubs sitting around their camps studying the Bible and following the specially prepared Bible study guides. The evening worships took place in the main marquee with the speaker Pastor Jonatan Tejel, the General Conference Pathfinder Director. During the Camporee 244 Pathfinders marked a decision card requesting baptism, and another 300 to begin Bible studies plus many more requesting contact and prayer. The worships were enhanced by powerful visual presentations from a Latvian drama team and songs, including a memorable theme song, led so well by the group Overflow.

The host team from the Netherlands Union (NUC), led by Lemuel Comvalius, Pathfinder and Scouting leader, Hans Ponte, the NUC Youth Director, together with 100 plus volunteers did an excellent job in meeting the many and varied logistical challenges – notably overcoming a water shortage in the hot weather. The Field Support, Security, Food Services, Communication and Hospitality teams’ worked long and hard to make the camp such a success.

Paul Tompkins, TED Youth Director and Camporee Executive Director commented; “This was a really rewarding Camporee to lead and we were blessed in so many ways. The theme ‘More To Explore’ was strongly emphasised throughout the worship, activities and special events and the Camporee fulfilled the goals of being a powerful memory event, a meeting place for Pathfinders from around the Division and also being a very significant spiritual event”.

The next TED Pathfinder Camporee will take place in the UK in 2018. To see more photos from the Camporee, please click here. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org

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