Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the tallest…

1 August 3013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Yvonne Bauwens, tedNEWS] David and ‘Goliath’ take to the stage for round two of an encapsulating message from the vibrant Pastor David Asscherick who, on Thursday morning encouraged our young people not to take giant sized steps to Christ, but ‘David’ sized attempts as we learn to walk with God.

With the help of his trusty mirror, Pastor Asscherick analysed in the evening, the fact that from a fair distance, he thinks he looks rather handsome. Astonished by his own good looks, he draws closer to the mirror, and realises that his bowtie is in fact squint, and with every step, he seems to become uglier!


A funny example it may be to illustrate his theme for this evening: the closer we come to Jesus, the more faulty we seem in our own eyes, Pastor Asscherick proceeds to prove his theory with the help of Božidar Lazi?, his Serbian translator who towers head and shoulders over him!

The paradox of growth is that in our Christian walk; as we grow nearer and nearer to our Saviour and Lord, we never have the sense of arrival, and sometimes we even perceive ourselves as actually being further away, the solution is found in Paul’s book of Colossians. Diving into chapter 3 verses 1-5, Pastor David takes these few verses to answer this difficult dilemma.

‘Set your mind not on the things of earth, but on the things of heaven.’ (Col 3.2) 

Pulling parallels from the symbol of baptism, Pastor Asscherick explains how God is not someone to hide from, but to hide in. Moving closer to Christ, we may discover more blemishes in the ‘mirror’, but God wants us to be cleansed by Him, not to run away in fear. And here is the best bit: when Christ appears, you will appear with Him in glory. Not maybe, not with the condition that you are flawless, but because you accepted that gift of life through the death of Christ! You may fall and fall and keep falling, but as Pastor Asscherick encourages, stand up and keep standing up. Why? Look at the cross. Your past is taken care of. Your present is secure in Jesus Christ, and your future is guaranteed.


While words fell from the lips of our speaker, paint sprayed freely from the cans of a group of artists at the side of the arena. The blessing of this massive Christian event is that not only can we experience God’s message through words, but in the actions of many talented individuals who have made themselves available. God does not ask for abilities, but for availability. Stencils and layers of colour depict the journey that many take as we grow in grace. 

We grow not in order to be saved, but we grow because we have been saved. You are free to be the human God made you to be.

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tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
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Website: www.ted-adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. 
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