Loving the Forgotten

What do teenagers do on Friday nights? Feed the homeless!

News March 29, 2022

29 March 2022 | St Albans, UK [Vanesa Pizzuto]

What do teenagers do on Friday nights? Feed the homeless!

To celebrate Global Youth Day (GYD) a group of bubbly teenagers from St Albans Church, England, joined The Soup Run to share food and clothing with homeless people in London.

The theme for this year’s GYD was “loving the forgotten” based on Matthew 25:31-40. These teens took to heart Jesus’ challenge to serve Him through feeding the hungry, welcoming strangers, and clothing the naked. The experience clearly had a lasting effect, “Going on the Soup run has very much changed my view on how we treat others; it also made me appreciate what I have more,” said Ellie. “I learnt a lot about how people behave towards those who are in desperate need. They often act hostile to homeless people and those in need, yet respect those who try to help… It was challenging to see how much help is needed,” said Abi.

The theme for this year’s GYD was “loving the forgotten” [Photos: courtesy of Emma Stickland / Adventist Media Exchange CC BY 4.0]

After spending an evening serving hot drinks and distributing clothing to those in need, the group said they “will definitely do it again” because it was “a very good experience with lots of learning points.”

Keep on Loving

Because mission and service are more than a one-off event, the weekend following GYD, St. Albans teens teamed up together again to continue loving the forgotten. This time it was a homemade ‘cupcake ministry’ – to share with the residents of Alban Manor, a local nursing home. On Saturday morning they walked to the nursing home with their special cargo. But because of COVID-19 restrictions, they were unable to deliver the cupcakes personally and unable to meet the residents.

So happy were the residents about receiving the cakes, that they sent pictures to show their gratitude. “We are making plans to return to the nursing home later in the year when restrictions allow to minister to the residents and staff with more culinary delights, music and opportunities to chat and get to know them all better,” said group leader Emma Stickland.

Moved by the simple but meaningful gifts, nursing home staff, residents and their families expressed their appreciation through Roy Bratby, the husband of one of the residents, who contacted pastor Nathan Stickland. “I would be grateful if you would pass on my appreciation to the group of young people who were responsible and who gave so much pleasure to the residents.” For St. Albans teens it was confirmation, just as Jesus predicted, that his followers are known by their love. “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35 NLT).

The Soup Run is a ministry of Stanborough Park Church, Watford, England.

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