It's time to re-catch an old vision!

14 October 2013 St Albans, United Kingdom [Miroslav Pujic, tedNEWS] Have you ever felt discouraged at the immense challenge of sharing the gospel to a postmodern world? Frustrated that so many people just don`t seem to be interested in Christianity anymore? Disappointed with the ‘fresh techniques’ for witnessing that seem to water down the gospel truth? Doubtful that you have what it takes to be a successful witness?


It`s time to re-catch an old vision! We would like to invite you to participate at the Conference ‘Go Beyond Normal: Making God Known in Europe’ which will be held from 12 – 14 November 2014 in the Hotel ‘Splendid’, Be?i?i, Montenegro.

The purpose of this conference is to DEEPEN our UNDERSTANDING about the mindset of people in Europe, TALK about EXPERIENCE in the COMMUNITY and plan to be part of the NEXT movement to MAKE GOD KNOWN. We want to help you discover ways to connect with people in this postmodern generation; bridge gaps between church and the public and provide you with the models and practical resources to strengthen your witnessing ability.

For more information about the conference, please click here. [tedNEWS] 

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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