Irish Mission Day of Fellowship

Growing stronger in Christ

News November 2, 2022

29 October 2022 | Dundalk, Ireland [Vanesa Pizzuto]

The ride from Dublin Airport to Dundalk (which takes about an hour), felt almost short! I spent it feasting my eyes on the lush green hills of Ireland and the cattle grazing freely and peacefully. The occasion for my visit, on an unusually warm October day, was the Irish Day of Fellowship, the first large gathering of Irish churches since the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just like me, over 900 Adventists from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland gathered at the Fairways Hotel to worship together and dream about the future of the Irish Mission.

Irish Mission youth volunteered as ushers for the Day of Fellowship

“We are a United Nations,” declared David Muldrew welcoming the attendees. Looking around me, seeing Irish, Filipino, African, Romanian, and Brazilian Adventists (among many other nations) united by their faith and singing wholeheartedly “Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb”, was truly heart-warming, the promising beginning of a beautiful day.

Good News

After the Sabbath School panel discussion, pastor Dan Serb, president of the Irish Mission, shared news and a short report. “We signed an agreement with Hope Media International to develop Hope Media Ireland,” he said with contagious excitement. “We are also excited about a partnership with the Voice of Prophecy USA,” Serb continued explaining that Shawn Boonstra, Speaker and Director, and Alex Rodriguez, Director of Evangelism, were planning a visit Ireland in November to talk to members and design a cooperation strategy. “Additionally, we are developing a media project, a docuseries entitled A Leap of Faith, with narratives of how people met God, and to introduce ourselves to Ireland,” Serb concluded.

From left to right: Deborah Lessa and Amerson Fortunato, Media Team members, Irish Mission

But the good news did not end there! “Ireland is the fastest growing entity in the BUC, with a 20% growth on average for the last five years” said pastor Jacques Venter, Associate Executive Secretary for the British Union Conference (BUC). The Irish Mission is “outgrowing the other entities financially too” Venter commented, highlighting that tithe return and offerings also increased a 20% in recent years.

Faithfulness Is Success

Anthony WagenerSmith, Trans-European Division (TED) Evangelism and Mission coordinator, shared a message based on the parable of the vineyard workers, emphasising God’s calling to faithfulness, not popularity or even success. What all labourers had in common, talented or not, is that “1. They came when they were called, 2. They did what they were told, and 3. They went where they were sent,” WagenerSmith said. Highlighting the nobility found in the fulfilment of simple tasks, WagenerSmith concluded “We don’t pass methods, we pass an example. Our legacy is our deep walk with Jesus.”

I Dare You to Dream!

The afternoon programme combined beautiful performances from various local church choirs, with a thought-provoking workshop led by WagenerSmith entitled “Apostolicy in Early Adventism.” In his workshop, WagenerSmith challenged members to consider adopting an apostolic model for ministers and elders, that would allow them and the church to be more mission focused. “We never change until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing,” WagenerSmith insightfully pointed out. “Maybe we need to get uncomfortable,” he concluded.

Over 900 Adventists from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland gathered at the Fairways Hotel, in Dundalk, Ireland

Pastor Eglan Brooks, BUC president, then led the congregation in a final reflection based on the story of Joseph. “Our lives are shaped by our dreams, so guard jealously the dreams God has given you,” Brooks said, daring members of the Irish Mission to dream bigger and bolder for the growth of the church and the expansion of God’s Kingdom in Ireland.

Better Together

“This Day of Fellowship was very special indeed! For the first time in three years, we were able to meet in person and the atmosphere showed how important it is for the church community to come together,” said Serb. “The event also gave the ministerial team the opportunity to share exciting plans and projects, to make God known in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The messages, reports, and music blessed us all, and helped us to focus on service and mission.”

From left to right: Jacques Venter, Adam Keough, Atab Barki, Eglan Brooks, Anthony WagenerSmith, Steve Currow, Wederley Aguiar, Julian Thompson, and Dan Serb.

As someone visiting the Irish Mission for the first time, I felt welcomed and inspired. It was beautiful seeing a microcosm of the global church – worshipping together, sharing together, encouraging one another in a most beautiful part of Europe.

As the day ended, pastor Venter sent out the members with a benediction appropriate to the context.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sunshine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.¹

¹An Irish Blessing (author unknown)
[Photos: Vanesa Pizzuto / AME, CC BY 4.0]

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