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Issue 935

Issue 935
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In this Issue

Issue 935

family and health webinarsAnytime Access to Family and Mental Health Webinars

17 June 2021 | St Albans, UK [Karen Holford]  The Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European Division (EUD) Family Ministries departments have collaborated to host monthly webinars for leaders and families... Read more

ADRA Contest 2021 - ceremonyArt Contest 2021 ‘COMPASSION for ALL’

A call to be creative and support foreigners among us
11 June 2021 | Brussels, Belgium [ADRA news, Corrado Cozzi]. "A picture is worth a thousand words" is an adage in multiple languages, meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image more effectively than a mere verbal description... Read more

ADRA Serbia - DrumodomIn Serbia, Bus for the Homeless Secures Additional Funding

10 June 2021 | Brussels, Belgium  [Andreas Mazza, EUDNEWS; ADRA Europe; Adventist Review and tedNEWS] 
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recently awarded a US$120,000 grant to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Slovakia (partnering with ADRA Serbia) for the ongoing implementation of the “DrumoDom” programme for the homeless in Serbia... Read more

TED Office building TED Spring Meetings Pushes New Strategic focus on Mission and Teamworking

24 May 2021 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert]  With particular focus on Mission, Media, Bible and theological training, as well as reaching children, youth and millennials, the Trans-European Division Executive Committee voted two new directors and adjusted the scope of assignments for those so far voted to office for a further term... Read more

miracle_in_the_snowstormA Snowstorm Miracle!

27 May 2021 | Malmo, Sweden [Claus Nybo, tedNEWS]  
LifeStyleTV miraculously changes a couple’s life in the midst of a snowstorm. We are well into spring and all nature has come alive. So, who would want to hear about snowstorms now? Well, this story you do not want to miss! While many children like the dreamy picture of a snowstorm with lots of snow, for most adults it is associated with inconvenience,... Read more

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