Ice Rinks, Exhibitions and Art

31 July, 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Tabitha Krznar, tedMEDIA] The rising temperatures and heat of the Novi Sad sun have only increased the energy of the Power of One congress delegates who attended the first of the Adventist Youth Congress (AYC) Workshops, social activities and Art Exhibition from 11:00-18:30 today.

17 different workshops and speakers shared personal experiences and spiritual insight with AYC delegates. The largely attended workshop presented by Pastor David Asscherick inspired us to live the “The Mission Lifestyle,” by outlining the important biblical principles of the nurture of both spiritual and physical health while taking up the call to walk a Christ-centered and mission-focused life. “This was a life changing message for me,” says Elycia Martins from Australia.


Saralie Bognandi and Maren Maanja from Sweden were encouraged and confronted in Dr Matthew Gamble’s workshop “The Porn Epidemic.” “We weren’t sure what to expect with this workshop, but we discovered that Pornography is probably as big an issue as alcoholism and we don’t talk about it enough at church if at all.” “Dr Gambel encouraged us by saying that starting to study the Bible for just 15 minutes a day can give us victory from such addictions.”

After the consumption of workshop information it was time for AYC delegates to consume physical food. The SPENS centre make-shift food court (ice rink) was full of excitement as the lively multilingual chatter rivaled that of The Tower of Babel. Food proved a great vehicle for networking according to Mariam Castillo Joya, Spain, who said, “It’s not everyday you get to meet new people from all different countries and eat a delicious nutritious iceless lunch in an ice rink!”

An important part of physical health at this Power of One Congress is to increase and maintain hydration, “drink water, and lots of it, stay out of the sun, eat healthy and dress in light clothing,” suggested a Power of One congress first aider. Please note that the medical team is diligently working to keep you healthy and safe, so please seek medical attention from our diligent medical team if you are unwell.

The networking and fun continued with Martin Skarka from the Czech Republic testing his coordination in the social activity time by playing “Labyrinth.” This was a game invented by Romanian Ionel Indricau who used the steel from his own truck to create a yellow “golf ball in the hole-coordinated maze for the Romanian Pathfinder camp.” “The game was much harder than it looked, but worth trying because I got to make some new friends out of it,” says Martin.

The real talent was showcased by a vast array of AYC delegates at the official Power of One Art Exhibition in the Small Hall commencing at 17:00 this afternoon. The countries represented there were: Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Scotland and the United Kingdom.  Each country’s finest gave performances in various art forms such as music, visual art, interpretive movement, and drama.

Klara Njagach from Croatia said “I was blessed by all the items at Art Exhibition, each person was from a different country and had different talents to share, it was a wonderful spiritual experience which brought me closer to God.”

Throughout the performances we watched the development of an evolving artwork, which later revealed the powerful image of the cross of Christ symbolising the stages of our personal spiritual walk and development as Christians.

The Art Exhibition proved a highlight for many, such as Leah Tobler from Switzerland who said, “The artistic painting and the step-by-step development of The Cross by Krystal was so interesting to watch, the musical items and drama were equally amazing, the Art Exhibition was definitely a highlight for me!”

AYC Delegates were able to beat the heat and deliver nothing but positive feedback for today’s Power of One congress action packed activities.  The powerful words of Art Exhibition co-host Sarah’s musical item continue to inspire and motivate us as we anticipate the evening programme, “Our God is greater; our God is stronger; God, you are higher than any other!” [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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