‘How Great Thou Art’ in Transforming Lives

<p style="text-align: justify;">6 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Katie Allen, <em>ted</em>NEWS] With the Church's Division presidents elected only moments before, there was an atmosphere of contentment during the evening programme at the Alamodome, on Monday, 6 July.</p>

News July 7, 2015

6 July 2015 | San Antonio, Texas, USA [Katie Allen, tedNEWS] With the Church’s Division presidents elected only moments before, there was an atmosphere of contentment during the evening programme at the Alamodome, on Monday, 6 July.

Bruno Vertallier, retiring EUD president
Harald Wollan, General Conference Associate Secretary, welcomed the retiring Inter-European Division (EUD) President, Bruno Vertallier to the stage for the region’s report. Vertallier opened humorously, saying that the good news is he will no longer be president of the EUD and wishes all the best to his successor, the recently elected Mário Brito. He went on to share more good news, alerting everyone that the EUD booth is giving out Swiss chocolate in the exhibition centre!

The report focused on the Division’s passion for God’s Second Coming and how life stories are the strongest evidence of God’s work. The video delved into the lives of people who are spreading the Gospel in a variety of ways. Stories included a lady who has made teaching sign language into a ministry and is fighting against communication barriers.

James Nix, Ellen G White Estate Director
The subjects of James Nix’s talk were John N. Andrews, the first overseas missionary who went to Switzerland, in 1874, and Eugene Farnsworth, a pioneering member of the early Church.

He spoke of how Ellen and James White, along with John Andrews, visited the declining Washington New Hampshire Church. While at the church, which had been without a pastor for several years, Ellen revealed some of the members’ sins. Eugene, whose father had not given up chewing tobacco, was keen to see if Ellen was truly a prophet by naming this sin. The thought had just left his mind when Ellen pointed out his father’s actions. Eugene was immediately won over and become a true supporter of the gift of prophecy.

Israel Leito, Re-elected IAD President
Israel Leito, President of the Inter-American Division (IAD), presented a report under the theme, ‘How Great Thou Art’. Their video concentrated on ‘Transformed Lives’ and the audience was taken on a journey throughout the IAD countries, hearing stories of individuals who have come to know God through certain initiatives and ministries in the IAD.

One story shared the experience of a lady who came to know Jesus through the IAD’s Radio Esperance. She listened day after day, eventually contacting their hotline and Adventist operators comforted her with prayer and, further down the line, a personal visit that impacted her life.

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tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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