Holiday from Stress?

24 August 2012, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia [Julian Hibbert, tedNEWS] Friends and church members back home tease us that ministers are on holiday here in Slovenia, yet the overall results from the health tests run during the conference indicate that a holiday is just what they need. According to Elsie Staple, Health Ministries Director for the South England Conference, at least eight percent of pastors tested are suffering with raised blood pressure and other signs of stress, and a number have been referred to their doctors when they get back home.


Elsie is part of a dedicated team of health professionals from a number of countries who, under the umbrella of ADRA-TED, have been running health checks and providing practical advice, recipes for healthy eating and suggested exercise routines during the conference.

Does it work?  “Absolutely!” states Victor Hulbert, Communication & Media Director for the British Union Conference.  He had a health check at SEC Camp Meeting back in June that indicated a very high cholesterol level.  Millie Williams, one of the nurses, gave him practical advice on diet, drinking more water, and increasing his exercise level.  You should have seen the smile on his face when he was re-tested on Wednesday morning and discovered that his cholesterol level had almost halved.  He cannot praise the programme enough.  While busy at the meetings he is also making sure he takes time to walk in the surrounding hills each day.  “Mark Finley’s sermon encouraged us to walk in the hills and listen to the ‘still small voice’,” Pastor Hulbert states.  “I’m doing that and improving my health. It’s great!”

While designed for ministers, local residents from Rogaška Slatina have also taken the opportunity for testing.  ADRA Slovenia director, Olga Popov, met two ladies who were selling jars of locally produced honey.  She invited them into the exhibition tent where they did a brisk trade.  They then asked about the Health Expo, and with Olga as translator, delightedly completed the course and engaged in deep conversations about health and then faith.

While ministers and their spouses have enjoyed and been blessed by the many lectures, devotionals and workshops, the health aspect of this break has also been important.  Time to walk and enjoy the stunning countryside, to relax in a swimming pool or sauna, or just to sit in the shade and chill with friends, old and new – all of this has helped to bring down the stress levels and revive our clergy for the joys of service. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor; Dragana Selakovic-Duval; Frederic Duval & Tor Tjeransen, photographers
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